Chapter 3

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Sorry again for not updating. My grandfather just died and we were very close. Writing helps get my mind off of things.
I missed you guys!

Emma's POV

All I could think about was Regina. About how her life sucked, about how all she ever had in it was sadness, and how I had recently been able to make her feel a little better. My thoughts were basically, Regina feels this, Regina's done that. Regina, Regina, Regina.

"Emma!" I heard Killian shout at me, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Oh sorry," I said, turning to him in my chair. "I've been a little distracted." Killian had come over to help me look at houses in Storybrooke, but so far we'd had little progress. "I can see that," Killian said, "is something bothering you, love?"

Yes I wanted so badly to answer. Yes. This person that I have become very close to has this awful life and she's always sad and doesn't deserve it and...

I didn't tell him that. I couldn't. Something in me told me not to tell Killian I was thinking about Regina so much. So, instead, I answered with a simple, "no. I'm just a little...frazzled about leaving my parents' house and living on my own." Killian wrapped an arm around me, and I buried my head in his neck. "It's alright, Swan. You'll always have me."

No! Don't say that! I thought to myself. Regina has no one and she needs someone more than I do!

What the hell is wrong with me? I'm sitting here with the man I love, planning a part of my future, and all I can think about is Regina?

I kept my cool. I didn't react in real life as I did in my head. Instead, I excused myself, gave Killian a quick peck on the lips, and went to Regina's house.

I knocked on the door urgently and yelled "Regina!" A few seconds later she opened the door, looking confused and worried. I quickly embraced her, all my thoughts rushing into one.

"She doesn't look sad."
"She answered the door, that's good. That means she wasn't in her room sobbing."
"If she's not sad she's happy, and that's good."
"I'm so happy to see her with make up not threatening to cover her face."

Regina hesitantly, yet gladly, returned the hug. "Emma what's-" She began to say but I quickly cut her off by grabbing her arm and running to the couch. I found myself realizing that this situation was much like a child dragging their mother to come see some craft they made that they were proud of. I gave out a slight chuckle in my head at this realization, but quickly threw out the thought all together when I remembered why I was here. I sat on the couch next to Regina.

"Emma!" She chuckled, as she plopped down. "What's all this about." "Okay," I said, my time setting the mood for a serious conversation. "This is gonna sound weird, so get ready." I sat up straight and looked at Regina's nose. I wasn't quite able to look directly at her eyes as I spoke. "Today, I was with Killian, looking for houses," Regina nodded her head as I spoke, "and I couldn't stay focused because I was thinking about...," I finally was able to bring my eyes to hers as I said, "you. " Regina sat up straight and raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"M-me?" She managed to get out. "Well I um..., could you be a little more specific, Emma?" Regina asked, curious. "Oh!," I said, shooting up in my posture as well, "I meant like how bad I felt for you. Your life has been filled with this never ending sadness and... I would sit with Killian and all I could think about is how I wished this feeling of affection for you. Robin and you were deeply in love, and, as always when it comes to you, because of some else's actions, sadness wormed its way backed into your life."

Regina was stunned, I could tell. Her lips were slightly parted and her eyes slightly widened in astonishment. "I...I," she began to say, before being cut off by me, "sorry." I said, slightly drawing my head back in embarrassment. "Don't be!" Regina said, reassuringly, smiling. "I'm just so shocked that someone would actually feel bad for me. It's nice, knowing someone cares." Her smile widened, causing me to smile back.

"So you don't find this weird at all?" I asked. "Not all Emma. It's very...," Regina looked for the right words, "flattering." We both smiled, which was nice. It felt nice to smile until it hurt. It felt nice to see Regina smile. It felt so nice to see her smile.

"I was about to pick Henry up from school," Regina said, breaking the smily silence. "Would you like to come with me? It'd be good for Henry to be with both of his moms and-" "I'd love to!" I quickly chimed in. This caused Regina to laugh, "Okay! Let's go."

Regina and I talked about many random things on our way to get Henry. All were happy topics, and I was very thankful for that. On the way back, with Henry, we did the same, but it was 3 of us, and the topics were less random. All in all, it was a nice car ride.

Regina and Henry and I said our goodbyes (Henry was staying with Regina) and I was back at my mothers house in a short time.

"Bloody hell?" I heard Killian say before I opened the door. "What is it, Killian?" I said as I entered. "This! This..., this abomination of a representation!" He pointed his Hook at the screen. I noticed he was watching the 1953 Disney Classic, Peter Pan. I couldn't help but laugh. "I told you," I said, dropping my keys on the counter and sitting next to Killian, "you are much more flattering in real life than in the movies." Killian looked back at the screen. "No kidding." Our thoughts were interpreted by my little brother screaming for my mother. "I've got him, David!" I heard my mom say to my dad as she came and got the baby, cradling him in her arms.
Which, didn't help at all.

I tried my best to ignore Neal's constant shrieking as I laid in bed that night. No wonder Henry stayed with Regina I thought to myself. I'm tempted to do it, too. And after thirty more minutes of torture, that's exactly what I did.

I called Regina on my way over to her house, thinking of how ironic it was that a sheriff be breaking laws. She groggily answered, "Hello? Emma is something wrong?" I could her rustling in the background, obviously from her sitting up in her bed. "Neal. Constant shrieking is not easy to sleep with. Could I please stay at your house? Just for one night?" I begged. "Of course," Regina answered, now a little more perky. "Emma, you've done so much for me, this is the least I could do. Stay as long as you need." "Thank you," I said, very grateful for her kind offer. "Okay, I'm pulling up now. See you at the door?" I asked, to which she responded, "see you at the door!"

Sorry again I haven't updated in a thousand years (no dinner for a thousand years for me) but I've been busy. Anyway, I'll update soon, I promise!

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