part 2

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“The tour has been moved again.” I looked over to Justin. Why the hell did the dates keep changing?

“How can people buy tickets then?”

“They went on sale today.”

“What’s the tour even called?” I asked.

“Our World Tour.”

“Cheesy much?” I asked with a smirk.

“Last moment choice.”

“Where are we going?” Justin asked, finally seeming interested. Scooter rattled off a list of states and countries.

“That is a lot of places.” I said breathlessly. This was making me think of ‘The Show Goes On’ by Lupe Fiasco. “The show goes on.” I sang. Now I was waiting for the part that was going to piss me and Justin off. “When do we leave?”


Three days, that all we have to pack for a world tour, even though we’ll get outfits, but just everyday outfits. Three days to record three songs. Three days…. Justin and I stood and left the meeting hall and joined Kenny, Julie, Ryan and Chaz in the hallway. When Justin laid eyes on Chaz, who had already looked me up at least twice, he grabbed me by the waist and yanked me toward him. I winced.

“I’m not property. Don’t throw me around.” I mumbled in his ear.

“Sorry.” He whispered. Chaz looked pissed. Kenny, Julie, and Ryan looked amused.

“So, I need to get to my house.” I said. Kenny nodded.

“Let’s get you home.” He said pulling out his car keys.

“Is your mom home?” Justin asked as we walked outside.

“No, she won’t be for a few days.” I said pulling out my phone. I hadn’t tweeted in a few days, without my mom reminding me I was starting to forget.

@RachMarie I’m baaaacccckkk. Oh my beautiful Cali fans. I missed you so! New York and the Bahamas were amazing. I’m just happy to be back. Did I get you anything? No sorry! But I bring my love <3

I clicked send and listened to the buzz of phones around me. I rolled my eyes. Then my phone buzzed.

@jessicajarrell @RachMarie missed you girl! When does tour start?

@RachMarie @jessicajarrell apparently tour starts in three days! :0 You should come open for us!!!

@jessicajarrell @RachMarie Ahhh! I’d loooovee that!

@RachMarie @jessicajarrell let’s do it babe!

I put my phone in my pocket and hopped into the limo with everyone else. I rested my head on Justin’s shoulder. “I love you.” I murmured.

“I love you too.” He said kissing my forehead. I heard Chaz mumbled some shit and I felt the heat from Justin’s glare. I traced circles on his leg.

“Calm down.” I whispered. I felt Justin relax. “It’s gotta be the crunkest, gotta be the loudest, gotta be the best love song she ever heard in her life.” I sang. Justin smiled. “We should ask T-Pain to open for us.” I closed my eyes and sat in thought.


I just wanted to jump at Chaz and rip his eyes out his sockets. He obviously doesn’t understand what Rachel means to me. Now it was just stupid how much he liked her. Why couldn’t he just hide it? He looked Rachel up again and I kept the glare that was starting to hurt my eyes. Rachel opened her eyes and stared out the window. “I missed California.” She said looking at all the buildings. “Turn up here.” She said to the driver.  We reached her house and she invited everyone in. It was amazing. It was so open and well decorated. She skipped into the kitchen. “Anyone want anything to drink?” We all shook our heads and she shrugged, getting herself water. She led us all to her living room and turned on the TV, switching it on to MTV.

We have the inside scoop on Rachel Marie and Justin Bieber; we all know that only a few weeks ago rumor spread of Rachel reconnecting with her ex. Michael. Now although both Rachel and Justin denied this saying they are still together, Michael hasn’t seemed to have given up. The boy was said to have followed the superstars to the Bahamas and to their unplanned New York trip, which begs the question, how did he know about where the stars were going? We think Rachel Marie may have a stalker on her hands. Now to the latest most interesting gossip.

I turned to look at Rachel, whose eyes were still glued onto the TV. “He’s been following me.” She whispered. “All along, and I didn’t even know it.” Then we heard something surprising.

Rachel Marie and Justin Bieber may have a new addition to their love troubles. The Biebs best friend Chaz Somers has confirmed he has feelings for Rachel, and from paparazzi photos, Rachel doesn’t seem to shy toward Somers.

All our heads turned to look at Chaz. “You confirmed it?” I asked bewildered.

“Well, yeah.” Chaz said looking nervous. Suddenly the was movement everywhere, Rachel was across the room hands struggling to find Chaz’s throat, Ryan was rolling on the ground hysterically, and Julie and Kenny were prying Rachel from Chaz. When Rachel had been restrained and Ryan had calmed down Julie tried to start a civil conversation. It failed.

“Why would you do that?!” Rachel was screaming, it was starting to look like Kenny might need to sit on her to keep her still. “Why in god’s name would you go out and say that?! It could ruin Justin and me?!” She looked demented. Then she was calm, as if she had realized something. “But that’s what you wanted isn’t it? If Justin and I were over, you could go out with me.” It suddenly dawned on me.

“Rachel.” Chaz pleaded. Rachel raised her eyebrows at him. “I just, I feel so connected to you.”

“Oh not this shit again.” I said Chaz looked like he had forgotten I was here.

“Justin, man, I’m sorry, I know it’s wrong for me to feel this way, but I do.”

“Get this Chaz. I don’t feel that way about you. Not at all.” Rachel said. Chaz looked so hurt. “I don’t even “And now, I don’t even like you as a person. You’re just like Michael.” I saw shock flash across his face. He stood up.

“Then I’ll leave.”  

“Good idea.” I was shocked since it wasn’t Rachel that said it, it was Ryan. Chaz again looked hurt. “You brought this on yourself dude, now you have to pay.”

“Kenny, can you take me to my hotel?’ Chaz asked, acting strong. Kenny nodded and slowly released Rachel. She crossed her arms and watched as the two left her house. When they were gone she fell back on the couch and breathed a huge sigh.

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