Why . Why is effort not appreciated anymore . People just want the end product . Fuck how they got there as long as they got it done and happy that they got whatever they wanted . There only happy cause the deed is done . Never once gave a thought about what he went through. You wonder why people think that society is so fucked up . It's people that don't appreciate the little things . Not caring about how the smile is on someone's face but making sure that they are just happy . Good that they are happy but do you ever question it . Cause now either happiness is 50-50 it's either I'm Actually happy . Or I'm faking my smile so I don't have to get questioned like an FBI suspect on what's wrong . Cause if I get ask that one more time I just might snap . But if they do ask all I'll say is nothing just so they can leave me alone . Nuh uh . Guys now are trained to keep pushing if you just say no or nothing . To ask again . And again . Till they get a what's wrong or snapped at cause she's actually ok . And if she says yes something's wrong and you guys talk about it and solve it and become happy again , she might never think of the effort you gave because you had a gut feeling . She won't think of it because she doesn't have to hide behind a barrier of "nothing" .... For now . Just wait till tomorrow as it all happens again for the rest of your days