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We ate and were about to sleep. Zayn and I went out for a walk as I wanted to talk to him.

"I'll be working at night." I said

"What?? Where?? Why??" Zayn asked shockingly rather caringly.

"Okay. Okay calm down. I will be working at the supermarket near our house." I told him.

"Why? Are you out of money? I can give you, no need to work." He said.

"Its not that Zayn, I'll be working there because I feel bored at night as you guys are always out. Don't worry! Its only for two hours. If anything goes wrong, I'll be free to call you." I answered.

"Wow! Thanks to be free to call me. Alright you can work. But don't forget to give reportings every hour. Okay?" Zayn said. I know he cared for me.

"Okay, but do not tell this to rest of the lads. Please." I requested.

"Okay. So I am going now, the boys will join me. See you! Take care!"

He said giving me a goodbye kiss on my forehead. He is so caring.

I went to my job. The supermarket's owner was our neighbour,so he quickly told me my job that was to stand and do the bills. Wow!! What an adventerous job it was!! But okay, I was very much comfortable doing that.

I sat with headphones on listening to Taylor Swift.
Suddenly I saw curls,familiar curls. I quickly stoped the music and slowly heard what he is saying. He is on the phone.
"Ya man c'mon. I got all these. Don't make me do this kind of work next time, yakk" He said talking on the phone.

I quickly understood why he said 'yakk', as he was on the condom section.

I should quickly get back and pretend I didn't saw him.

He is busy in his phone while walking towards the counter.

"Bill these." He said putting the condoms on the counter.

"I think you forget the chocolate flavour." I giggled.

He saw me and his face went pale.

"What the fu- I am sorry, Why are you here??? Its not mine. Really Niya I swear I am not this kind of boy. I swear." He said all this in one breath. Gosh!! I am not able to control my laugh.

"Oops! What did I do?? She saw me. Oh my god, oh my god she saw me. Wait why I am sounding like a girl who saw her crush? God knows? But what will I tell her?? She looked pissed off. Completely if I might add. I will have to talk otherwise I'll go all mental. Wait. Nooooo. I can't go mental. What am I talking?? All shit. I am freaking out. Lord! Save me!

"Let's talk about it at home. This is my workplace, I don't want anything to happen here." She said her voice was so stern. Harry Edward Styles you completely fucked up this time. Wait. Did she said workplace? Why in the hell is she working? Is something wrong? Did she need some help with money? Why am I talking to myself. I'll ask at the very moment we reach home. I need to talk to her otherwise God knows what will happen to me?

Niya's POV

I wanted to tease him. Revenge time baby. I am very good at pranks. This is my way to give back. It is very difficult not to laugh when someone is acting so funny. But I yes I, Niya did that! I am so good at it!

I reached home. I heard all the chattering which made it clear the boys are home and Harry is still shocked of what I saw.

As soon as I was about to ring the doorbell, the door flew open. A boy came out, surely I don't know him. Niall was bidding him goodbye.

"Oh, Hi Niya. You are home!" Niall said while hugging me. "Oh, this is our friend Nick D'costa, studies with us in our class." Niall introduced me to him.

"Hi, I am Niya Joshi. I live with boys. I am their paying guest." I shook hands with him. It was weird he was just staring at me.

He went away and I went inside. There was another boy with semi-bald hair.

"Guys, you should tell me if their are unknown guests at home. Its weird if I don't know them. Its weird if they just stand there and stare." I said pointing to the boy. He turned towards me. Wait.. He is Zayn. Is he??

I looked at him twice. He is Zayn. He looks different. He is semi bald. Wow! How?

"Ooooo.. Ohhh.. Zayn. Why on the earth are you semi bald??-" I said and he had a weird question look on his face. "-I mean you look awesome-" I went near him and saw he did nose piercing. Wow! I also wanted to do that back home but I didn't had the courage to ask my mum about it.

"-Zayn, wow!! I mean really wow!! You look absolutely stunning!!" I kissed his cheeks. Just then Harry arrived.

He had that very angry look that why these people are home so early?? I want to talk to Cheeku. I tried my best to control my laughter.

"Why are you guys so early?" Harry asked.

"Because Zayn wanted to suprise Cheeks about his new look." Louis said.

"Man! You look amazing!" He said cleary annoyed.

"Really? Your look dosen't say so." Zayn said.

"Guys! Go get fresh then we'll make dinner." I said and all went accept Harry. Niya back to the plan.

" Hi! I want to talk to you-" he said
"About that we'll talk some other day. Everybodies is at home. They are in nice mood. I don't want make them sad,annoyed." I said as I cut him in his sentence.

"We'll talk tomorrow. Not now please." I said to him sternly teasing him. I am loving this baby!!!

"Ok but please I am sorry!" He said sadly and went to the room.

The night was amazing. We had dinner.

I was heading towards bed thinking tomorrow will be a long and intetesting day.

Sorry for late update I had exams!!

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