Chapter 11 - Zoo time

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Last Chapter: Nathan let Siva scoop him up as he repeatedly cried about going home. "Want home" Nathan sobbed. "Shush down, baby. It's okay. We're going home." Siva said, "Aly, I'm so sorry. We skipped nap time. Today has been a bad day. But we'll catch up some other day. In fact, you should come home next week. Right now I have to go" Siva said, waving Alyssa and Matthew bye as he took Nathan to the car. When they reached home, Nathan was fast asleep in Siva's arms leaving the man confused about Nathan's reaction lately.

Maybe Nathan just needed some time to adapt with the concept of new mum.


"Daddy is very silly" Nathan shouted. That was the only word that Nathan could think of right now to describe his Daddy. The preschool teacher turned around to gently shush Nathan so as he doesn't disturb the other ones. Nathan looked down sheepishly from where he was drawing with Sebastian. "Why is your Daddy silly?" Sebastian asked. "Because he wants to get me a new mum! I don't want new mum" Nathan mumbled. "New mums are not good. Snow white's new mum wasn't good." Sebastian innocently said. "I don't want a new mum." Nathan whimpered as Sebastian got on his knees to give his upset friend a little hug.

Indeed, Nathan's Daddy was silly. No matter how much, Nathan whined about not wanting a new mum, Siva would ignore him thinking that Nathan just needed time to adapt to the concept of a new mum. But Nathan was strictly against Siva bringing anyone as his new mum except Nareesha. He liked Nareesha. Nareesha was already like a mum to Nathan. She would cuddle Nathan, spoil Nathan with gifts and food, she would scold Nathan every time the boy acted out in front of her, she would defuse every tantrum of his, and she would wipe off every tear from Nathan's face. She was perfect with Nathan. She would come fetch Nathan from school every time his Daddy was busy. Just like now.


"Nu Nu" Nathan shouted as he saw Nareesha and jumped in her arms. "Hello Baby Nath" Nareesha cuddled the boy in her arms before bending down to give Sebastian a little kiss on the cheeks. "Hi Bassy, your mum cannot come to fetch you, baby. So I'll drive you home and then Nath and I will go to Daddy's office." Nareesha told Sebastian. Sebastian's mum had got caught up with some work at home and had asked Siva if he could pick Sebastian up and drop him home. Since Nareesha was going to pick Nathan up as Siva was busy, she offered to drop Sebastian too. Buckling the two boys in the backseat, nursery rhymes echoing in the car as the two boys sang along, Nareesha drove off with a smile on her face, not aware of Sebastian mumbling, "I like her. She'll be a cool mum for you." And Nathan nodded seriously at that.

Dropping Sebastian off at his place, Nareesha quickly drove back to the office, gently scolding Nathan as she watched the boy run off to his Daddy's cabin. Opening the door, Nathan shouted, "Daddy." Siva chuckled as he scooped the little boy up. "Nath, Daddy's got a surprise for you" Siva said. "What supwise?" Nathan lisped. "We're going to the zoo tomorrow" Siva said. "Really? Just you and me?" Nathan asked. "Uhm no..." Siva trailed off. "Nu Nu coming too" Nathan asked. "Not Nu Nu baby, but Aly and Matt" Siva said and frowned as he saw Nathan's expression go from excited to disappointed. "Want down" Nathan said as he toddled off to Nareesha, curling up in her lap. "What happened baby?" Nareesha asked as she rubbed Nathan's back looking up to Siva who came out of his cabin looking confused at Nathan's actions. "What happened?" Nareesha asked. Siva shrugged and then smiled as he saw Nathan fall asleep, "Ah he needed nap time." Siva concluded. Nareesha frowned. Nathan usually liked nap times with his Daddy only but she shrugged it off, thinking Nathan probably was warming up to her.

The very next day, Nathan was woken up by an excited Siva who did everything wrong in order to get Nathan ready for their outing. Nathan usually liked cuddles as he woke up but instead he got a quick change out of his pull ups and a quick bath. Siva quickly got him ready and practically made him inhale his breakfast so that they could pick Alyssa and Matthew in time. Siva sighed when he saw a cranky Nathan in the backseat as Aly got in the passenger seat, lightly pecking Siva on the lips as Matt got in behind with Nathan. Siva watched fondly as Matt told them how excited he was to go see the animals but he did feel bad when he saw Nathan quietly put his thumb in his mouth. "Aww, you should not suckle on your thumb, Nathan. It's not good" Aly chided as she made Matt remove Nathan's thumb from his mouth. Usually, Siva would answer back to anyone who tried removing faults in his parenting but thinking that Alyssa had experience with Matt, he nodded along, ignoring the tear filled eyes of Nathan.

When they got down, Nathan insisted for Siva to pick him up. Siva was about to comply when Aly stopped him saying that kids often tended to be lazy and Siva didn't want Nathan to turn out lazy. Siva held Nathan's hand but did not pick the boy up ignoring how his little boy gave a look at the crowd and back at his Daddy. Nathan saw the lions and tugged at his Daddy's hand but Matt beat him to it, saying he wanted to see the monkeys. Nathan trudged along as they went to see the monkeys and every animal that Matt wanted to see. But when they reach the aquarium, Nathan couldn't help but feel excited. He watched every little fish and giggled as he poked the glass. But when they reached the sharks, Nathan could feel himself getting scared. If Siva was a little attentive, he would remember that Nathan didn't like sharks. He was very scared of them. Too lost in trying to get Matt to see every shark, Siva didn't notice his little one sitting on the floor with his fist in his mouth as the boy tried to muffle his sobs.

Some minutes later, Siva noticed Nathan wasn't by his side. Turning around to scold the boy for wandering off, Siva saw his little boy sobbing his heart out in his fist. Mentally slapping himself for having forgotten the boy's fear of sharks. Siva quickly scooped his son up. "Aly, when you guys are done with the aquarium, meet us where the lions are. Nathan doesn't like sharks" Siva said as he quickly ran out. Rubbing Nathan's back, Siva tried to calm his shaking boy down. "It's okay baby. Daddy's got you. Daddy is so sorry, he forgot that you don't like sharks. So sorry, baby. Come on, you wanted to see the lions, huh?" Siva said, bouncing his boy in his arms as he led him to the lions. Nathan managed to calm down and sneaked a glance at the lions before burying his head back in Siva's chest. He put his thumb back in his mouth and this time Siva didn't stop him. If his boy found comfort in his thumb then so be it. It wasn't that his Daddy was doing a good job at comforting him since his Daddy was the one who took him to see the sharks.

When Aly and Matt returned, Siva had to cut their trip short. He was glad that they had nearly come to the end of the trip since he would feel bad of having to leave right now. Rubbing a sleepy baby's back, Siva said, "come on Nath. Say goodbye to Aly and Matt. Say see you soon." Nathan waved them goodbye as he raised an eyebrow at the 'see you soon.' "Next week, Aly and Matt are coming to stay at our place for the weekend. Dropping Aly and Matt at home, Siva started driving back home. "Next week will be fun" Siva said to Nathan. Rolling his eyes, Nathan refrained from saying anything. He doubted that next week will be anything than fun.


Dedicated to everyone who still likes the story!

Thank you to those reading!

P.S – Your thoughts on this chapter? What do you think of next week being fun? Will it be fun for Nathan?

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xx Hailey

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