Chapter 27 - Who said parenting is easy?

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Last chapter: In one arm, he had his little boy who was in tears and scared about coming so close to be hit by a car and on the other hand, Nareesha had passed out. The baby shower had ended into a bad incident.


It was absolutely confusing and scary for a certain little boy to see a car coming onto him. He barely had the time to react before he was being swept off in his Daddy's arms. Somewhere behind him, he heard some shouts and then his Daddy was rushing back home. He was passed off to his Uncle Jay as they all drove off to the hospital with his Mommy. Left alone at home with his Uncle Jay, the little guy could barely understand a thing.

Instead of taking the little boy straight to the hospital, Jay decided to stay back home for a while. He knew the little one was scared and it was of no use to bring the boy to the chaotic situation at the hospital at that time. "Shush little one. I know that was scary but you're okay now." Jay tried comforting the boy as he walked back inside the house. The little guy was still crying as he held onto his Uncle. "It wasn't quite nice of you to run on the road like this, right?" Jay gently reprimanded the boy. "My ball" Nathan sniffled. "It hasn't been a lovely time for you these past few months, huh?" Jay said and sighed when he felt a little nod from the young boy.

Siva was more than nervous when he brought Nareesha to the hospital. Thankfully the boys along with Nareesha were there to support him. He'd been crossing fingers while waiting for any news concerning Nareesha when the doctor approached them. "How's Nareesha and the baby?" Siva asked. "She's fine. The baby too. They're in a stable condition now. But I hope you know how harmful stress is for pregnancy." The doctor sighed. Siva nodded and as soon as the doctor leaved them alone, they rushed to see Nareesha. Dropping a kiss to Nareesha's forehead, Siva asked her, "Are you okay?" "I'm fine" Nareesha nodded. Sighing Siva mumbled, "I'm going to kill Nathan." "No, you're not." Jay said as he walked in with Nathan in his arms.

Siva was prepared to scold Nathan and even took a step forward towards the boy who whimpered and hid in Jay's arms. But Jay stood his ground. "Nareesha could have lost the baby because of that stressful event so tell me why shouldn't I at least pull the kid over my knee?" Siva asked. "Because mostly it's yours and Nareesha's fault." Jay huffed, "when was the last time you spent some time with your kid? Just count on your hands how many time you've left the kid to us to babysit. Have you ever talked to the kid and know how prepared is he for this new baby? He himself is a baby. I get it you're very excited about your new baby but this not your only child together. You already have one." Siva and Nareesha both felt it a like slap to their face.

Nareesha was the first to react. "We messed up" She sighed. "Oh God" Siva mumbled. "There is no perfect parents, guys. You'll probably make even worse mistakes than that but you still have a chance, man. Because this little one here loves you, no matter what." Jay said. And surely, Nathan loved them. "Even we made mistakes" Tom sighed. "We were too busy preparing for the new one's arrival that we forgot about our little boy." Max added. "We're so sorry Nath" Kelsey apologized. "I'm sorry too baby. Even I realized it quite late" Jay said. "And Daddy and Mommy are the sorriest" both Nareesha and Siva said.

Siva felt himself fearing rejection when he stretched his arms to Nathan but thankfully Nathan readily came in his arms. "I'm sorry buddy. Daddy hasn't been too nice with you lately. But we promise we'll make up to you." Siva said as he passed the kid to Nareesha. Cuddling the boy close, Nareesha mumbled, "You're not less important than this baby. You'll always be loved Nathan. You're our baby boy. No matter how many mistakes we make or you make, Mommy Daddy will always love you." Nareesha promised. "But running on the road isn't okay Nath" Siva scolded the boy gently. "Daddy angry and Mommy tired, so I play alone." Nathan muttered. "And we're sorry about the situation lately baby, but we'll make things right henceforth." Nareesha promised. "You promise not to run on the road and we promise to not leave you out like this." Siva made a deal and smiled as his little boy nodded.

Who said parenting is easy? No one does a perfect job. One makes plenty goof ups as a parent but as long as you got friends who have your back and make you realize your mistake, you'll get back on track. As long as your kid knows that you love him, you'll be fine as a parent.


Dedicated to everyone who still likes the story!

Thank you to those reading.

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P.S – Let me know if you have any suggestions for the next chapter.

xx Hailey

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