Chapter Two

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Wes’ POV:

Leaving would always be the hardest thing for me. I hated goodbyes more than anything, but saying goodbye to the one you love felt like it was tearing absolutely everything inside of me apart. I sighed, taking in her calm demeanour as she slept so peacefully on the bed in front of me. I knelt down so that I would be level with her.

“Baby wake up.” I cooed, brushing her hair out of her eyes. She didn’t even squirm out of my touch. She did absolutely nothing except remain still and sleep. I rolled my eyes, smiling softly to myself. I was going to miss even this, the difficulty of waking her up in the mornings. I cupped her face in mine, pressing my lips to hers in a short kiss.

A small smile graced her lips but she made no effort at all to open her eyes. I was ready to leave, all I had to do was pick up my bags and walk straight out of the door but I couldn’t do that to her…or myself really. As much as I hated goodbyes, I wasn’t going to see her for possibly a week and if I wasn’t going to see her then I wanted to make the most of the time we had.

“Don’t be stubborn!” I chuckled. Although all that managed to do was make her bury her face in the pillow. I scoffed. A smirk nudged its way to my lips as I realised just exactly what would wake her up. “I never said I would play fair…” I murmured, my lips making contact with her jawline. I knew exactly how she liked it, feathery and gentle to ease her out of her slumber. Leaving a trail of kisses down her neck all I could hear was her muffled groan into the pillow.

“It’s too early!” she protested, half-heartedly trying to shove me off of her. This only made me more determined than before, my lips finding the spot behind her ear that always made her squirm. She yelped, springing out of my grip as soon as my breath made contact with her skin. “I’m up. I’m up!” She screeched, clutching her chest and breathing deeply to try and calm herself down. “Jerk” she huffed.

“Aw don’t be like that baby!” I pouted, crawling onto the bed so that I was towering over her. She covered her eyes trying to shield them from me.

“Don’t pout! I always cave when you pout!” She whined, trying to roll away from me but I had her trapped between my arms that were holding me upright on either side of her face. I lowered myself onto her, using my now free hands to peel hers off of her eyes. When her eyes peeked out from behind her hands the spark in them slowly faded. “I wish you didn’t have to go…”

I frowned, her words causing a lump to rise in my throat. Hold yourself together Wes. You’re a man. You don’t cry! My thoughts ordered me sternly. Oh who was I kidding though? Everyone knew how much I missed my girl, and being here with her now it was like everything was finally right again.

“We have a few more hours to kill…I just wanted to wake you up early so that we’d have more time together.” I whispered, not trusting my voice enough to speak normally without cracking. Her hands reached up to touch my face, slowly trailing along every single curve until they ended on my lips, her eyes flickering up to mine again.

“I can’t believe you’re going to be famous in less than a week…”

“I’m not gonna be—“

“I’ve known you since we were 5 years old, it’s just so surreal to think that for once I’m going to have to share you with basically half of the female population…” she sighed.

“Gabby I highly doubt that you’re going to have to share me. You’re my one and only, and as long as you stay with me then it will always stay that way!”

“I’d never leave you!”

“Good” I smiled, moulding our lips together. I wish that in moments like these I could record every single feeling, every single touch, because maybe then I wouldn’t feel so lonely back at the X Factor mansion. Not even music could keep my mind off of that aching feeling in my chest. It was like when I sat down in my room with only my guitar, lyrics would flow from my lips, all in some way involving Gabby and I just couldn’t control it. When we were rehearsing all I could picture in my head was singing at home to Gabby, watching her eyes light up at the sound of my voice. I don’t know how I would’ve ever survived without her.

Stay With Me-Sequel to The Before and After Project(An Emblem3 Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now