Chapter 1

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Hey it's Bob, I had a new idea for a story, so here it is. I hope you guys like it!


????? pov


It's what humans do every time they get on each other's bad side, the best option is to kill each other.


It's an excuse for war.

All my life I've been used by the gods who killed their Evil father and became conquerors, then they decided they were too powerful to fight their own battles and they had their children fight their wars for them. The wars are always long and hard and devastating to the loosing side, but you don't know what they went through because they don't have a say.

Because the victors story gets told.

- Amazing Time Skip 'sup-

Narrator's pov (me)

Percy and the rest of the seven are on the Argo II and heading to the battle at Mt. Olympus to stop the giants and Gaea. Also the Physicians cure was never obtained. Now to Percy's pov!

Percy's pov

I'm in my room and staring up at the ceiling. We are about to fight the giants and Gaea. This is what we've been preparing for. I don't think we're ready even though we have to be.

I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in!" I shouted

Annabeth opened the door and came in.

"Hey" She said

"Hey" I replied

"Are you OK?" She asked me

"We are all about to fight a war that we have little chance of winning, but other than that I'm fine." I replied with some of my humor.

I was hoping she would notice that I'm nervous under my calm and humorus demenor but she didn't. Have we really grown so far apart? I thought to myself.

My thoughts were interrupted when Piper walked in behind and said "We're there."

Everyone joined on the deck of the Argo II and took positions for battle. When we rose above the clouds surrounding Mt. Olympus we all gasped. The whole mountain was crawling with every monster known to Greek and Roman mythology.

"Let's get them!" Jason said, breaking the silence

"Yeah!" we all cheered back, they had already seen us so there was no point being quiet.

Now we were close enough to see details on the mountain and we noticed the Giants all sitting in the gods' old thrones.

"Hey!" yelled Leo "No son of dirt face is going to sit in my dad's throne!"

"Yeah!" Jason agreed

Then a bolt of lightning shot at us from the direction of the thrones.

"Their shooting at us!" Annabeth said to Leo "Don't we have ranged weapons to shoot back?"

"Be my guest." Leo replied gesturing to one of the mounted crossbows on the Argo II. Piper and Jason ran over to the ballista and fired an exploding arrow towards the monsters, it exploded in a small cloud of fire making a gap in the sea of monsters that proceeded to fill back up almost immediately.

"I think that made them mad!" I told Leo

"No dur, of course it made them mad!" Leo yelled back, while still steering the Argo II towards the ruins.

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