Sticks And Stones

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I've updated a story this week! *hands myself a reward for worst auther* thank you, thank very much!

I'm so sorry! Like I said- I've just started my freshman year of highschool and I've already got a buttload of homework and projects to do. I'll update Mrs.Independent and Picture Perfect On the weekend- sorry for not updating for so long...

//not edited//
//Sasuke point of view//

" What you must understand about me is that I'm a deeply unhappy person."

-John Green, Looking for Alaska


"Sasuke- what do you wish to be when you grow up?"

"I want to be alone when I grow up..."

"Nobody will ever love you with that attitude of yours."

"Then so be it."

I watched as my brother looked at me with intensity- his eyes full of wonder and confusion. Then suddenly-


"Then so be it."


//Naruto point of view//

I watched as the Uchiha's pale body twists and turns every few seconds- a whimper escaped his mouth. I couldn't help but want to cry myself- I've never seen such a damaged person, both physically and emotionally. No matter how damaged he was- he continued to look stunningly gorgeous. Even now as he laid whimpering on the hospital bed, hooked up to many unknown tubes while wearing one of my old jogging outfits (Naruto's jumpsuit)- he looked irresistibly gorgeous.

Of course now is not the moment.

I needed him safe and sound- healthy and happy. Whatever is going on in his life isn't worth any of the pain he puts himself through. I bet he'd be even more gorgeous with a smile on his face.

I heard a light pair of knocks interrupt my thoughts. I wonder who came to visit. The door from behind me opened, slowly creaking, and was then shut just as softly. My head turned 90° and I saw a tall male with similar features to Sasuke's- his hair was shorter and he looked elder. He wore a foul expression, and seemed irritated once he saw me sitting in front of Sasuke's hospital bed. I immediately came to a conclusion-

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