Chapter 1.

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Nami’s POV

It is probably past midnight while I am walking inside the Sand Village.

My father is an ANBU member in Konoha.  I think he is one of the strongest ninja there and is friends with strong and well-known clans like the Uchiha and the Hyuga. The Heads of each clans were my Father's first squad members so they were kinda close up until now.

My father was assigned by the Sandaime in a mission involving the Sand Village and he brought me with him. He is meeting important people here and told me to have a walk around the village while I am waiting for him.  

There is silence all over the village, the villagers are already sleeping. The mini-booths and stores around the village are closed too.

I can only hear my own steps as it landed on the sand and sometimes the sand pricks my eyes. I squinted when I caught a movement a few meters in front of me.

I saw a silhouette of somebody sitting and approached it.

"Oh. Hello there." I greeted the boy. He has this weird eye rings that made him look like a panda, a short and spiky auburn hair. He also has unique green eyes.

I think we have the same age but he is taller than me. I was surprised by the expression he was giving me. It was like it’s the first time someone talked to him. Confusion is visible in his eyes.

"Y-You're not afraid of me?" He stuttered, gripping his teddy bear in his arms. 

"Of course not. Why would I?" I tilted my head to the side. He just stared at the ground breaking eye-contact with me.

I walked closer to him which made him flinch. I took a step back, thinking that a step closer had hurt him.  

Is he nervous? 

"My name is Nami, What's yours?"  I held out my hand for a hand shake and smiled at him.

He reluctantly put his hand on mine, giving me an unsure look.


"Nice to meet you, Gaara." I shook his hand.

He just looked at me like he was waiting for me to do something. I saw fear flash across his green eyes. Fear from what? Why is this guy like Naruto? He looks like a nice guy for me.  

"What are you doing out here? I think it's past midnight." I asked him. Not that I should scold him, I am a little girl but I am walking around.

"Nobody cares about me. So it's okay even if I'm still outside.  No one can hurt me anyway." He shrugged. 

"Well, Gaara of the Sand Village. I am your friend now." This caught him off guard and I laughed at his reaction. Well should I put it.. His expression is unique.

"M-my f-friend?" He stuttered yet again and I nodded.

"Yeah. So If you think that no one cares about you then there is one now." I grinned.

"Oh. Thank you." He said, staring at me. ”What about you? Why are you still outside? It’s my first time seeing you around so are you from here?”

I waited for him to finish his questions.

“I’m outside because I am waiting for my father to finish his mission here. I am from Konoha. We’re going home as soon as my father finishes.”  

I felt my father's presence a meter away from us so I am guessing the meeting is already finished.

"Nami, Plans changed. We're going to stay here for tonight. " My father told me and I caught him looking at my new found friend, Gaara.  

(EDITING) The Little Koizumi Girl. *Naruto Fanfiction*Where stories live. Discover now