Chapter 8. Thank You.

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It's weird how people can feel they will die. They will have their own premonitions and then meet their finish lines, their deaths. They tell you their last wills, last favors, last ‘I love you’s, every lasts there is that exists in the world in an abstract manner to prevent you from knowing they are leaving permanently, and  so that they will not left their hidden feelings well...hidden.

Papa died.

We walked back to the village after that. Tired and depressed and lonely. I just saw Papa die infront of me.

The distance from the place where we had been back to the village felt so long, like it will take forever before we can even see the village’s main gate. It felt like every step I made will shatter me to pieces. No one talked. No one bothered to do so. Father’s body was sealed into a scroll to prevent other villages getting his body and experiment on it and I took the liberty of carrying that scroll.

The battle changed me. Well not exactly me, it changed my appearance. My eyes that were colored a lighter orange and darker orange of each, turned even darker and the iris turned to slits. When I see through those eyes, it felt like I have both the Hyuga and the Uchiha’s eyes combined.

My usually bright orange hair that I tie into a messy bun whenever I go outside became darker and it had shades of black. Something inside me stirred. Like something woke up. I don’t know if it’s just my imagination but I can hear someone murmur weakly inside my head. I can change my appearance back into usual and turn to the intimidating one.

When we entered the village, Kotetsu and Izumo saw our appearance. They noticed that Father wasn’t with us so they exchanged a look of sympathy when we passed by them. They saw me looking at their direction so I gave them a weak smile. Yugao knocked at the Hokage’s door and we entered after we heard his gravelly voice say ‘Come in’.

They explained what happened and how amazing I was that I can keep up with my father and Orochimaru in fighting but still, Orochimaru was strong. That there was a hidden henchmen of Orochimaru there who he called ‘Kabuto’. Finally they told how Papa died and shielded me from my death.

I was just leaning on the wall while my hands are crossed to my chest and my eyes closed while my hands are balled into fist when I remember every second my Father is really gone, as I remember every memory I have with him. This is much worse than what I felt when Itachi-nii went rogue. At least in that case, I can still have the chance to see Itachi-nii. This case is different, Papa is already gone.

As I listened, something clicked to my mind. I waited for us to be dismissed and when Grandpa-Hokage waved, I stayed behind after the two ANBUs bid me goodbye. Grandpa-Hokage inhaled some smoke through his cigarette then exhaled them loudly, looking at me.

“Now I understand what your conversation was about.” I finally said. “Grandpa, you knew my Father will die?!”

"I'm truly sorry, child. He was really a very brave and strong ninja. But Nami dear, It is your father's choice. I tried to change his mind. But you know your father, once his mind is set, nothing can change that. I know you inherited that from him so I wish you can understand. And I believe that there is a reason behind it for you to discover yourself." The Hokage explained and stood beside me. He held out his hand for a hug. I accepted it and he pulled me to a hug.

“But he was my only family left.” I sobbed. “We were just starting to make memories. Why had he done this to me? He knows I needed him. I’m not yet ready.” 

"There, there." He told me softly, patting my back. “I’m still here. I’m your grandfather, remember? And your friends. You’re not forgetting about them, are you?”

(EDITING) The Little Koizumi Girl. *Naruto Fanfiction*Where stories live. Discover now