It's the first day of high school... And of course right away I see Jessica and Kyle.. aka my best friends, walking towards me with their schedules.
And they are yelling and saying, "Look there's Raacheelle."
I say "Hey shut up!!!!...... Can I see your guys schedules?"
I see that we have all the same classes except 3rd period.. Non of us have third period together. I have English 1st period, P.E. 2nd period, Tech Essentials 3rd period, and Math 4th period.
I say starting to laugh, "What's up with third period?"
Jessica says, "I don't know......"
As Kyle looked like he was about to say something the bell went "Riiiiiiiinnnnnnnnggggggg."
While we are walking... I see.. I see him. He has golden blonde hair and his eyes look like I am going to get lost in the ocean. He is very muscular with vanes popping out. He is wearing shorts and a tang top with a Hawaiian sunset on it. He is looking down as if he is being shy. I couldn't take my eyes off of him.
Until, Jessica brought me back to Earth. Jessica said, "RACHELLE!!!! Hurry up!"
The shy boy lifted his head when I said, I... I'm coming, Soorrry.. Sorry."
It's finally third period, the period before lunch. It went kinda fast, only because I know what they say time flies when I'm having fun, which is probably a lie....
As I walk into class I see desks, groups of two, and I spot that shy boy from earlier. I sit on the other side of the class room away from him, next to a window. When I sit down, I sit at a desk with nobody sitting next to me. Thank goodness.
So, as I pull out my favorite purple fancy led pencil, my teacher walks inside going straight for the board, writing "Mrs. Nelson."
She is beginning as any teacher will, "Hello class, My name is Mrs. Nelson."
The class, us, say what you would except back, "Hello, Mrs. Nelson."
She begins again, "I'm going to take role and then give you guys all assigned seats."
As she starts out with the attendants, I decided to get lost in my book called "Loser". When she got to my name, I almost get marked absent.
IT's shelly.... there will be more in the next couple of days I hope you guys like it. (:
RomanceRachelle is me... And I'm crushing on this guy named Justin. My best friends Kyle and Jessica make fun of me every time we see Justin. I meet Justin in one of my classes....