Why you broke up.

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•He thought you were cheating.

It's not a secret that you were in love with him. You wanted to marry this man. The way you felt when you were together, and the Sparks you felt when he touched you. You honestly couldn't imagine your life without him. You didn't want one if he wasn't in it. You didn't think there would be a day were you wouldn't see his face turn into a smile when he saw you.

Until it happened.

You woke up that morning thinking a good morning text would be plastered on your home screen along with a million hearts like he always did. But instead only four words were available. Four words you never thought you would see come from him, especially in a text.

"I'm sorry, we're done."

You were speechless. No words could possibly be formed to show the hurt in your heart at that time.

From that moment on you no longer wanted to get up, you wanted to stay in bed and go back to sleep. Maybe even forget about those four words and dream everything was ok, because only in a dream would you be ok.


•It was time that broke you guys. Your one year of love and happiness didn't even seem to exist anymore. It wasn't the fact that the love wasn't there anymore. It was the time. He didn't have any for you. Between 3 channels there was just wasnt enough hours in the day for anything except the videos. You began to get tired of asking and begging him to go out to dinner with you once a week. It got so bad that you didn't even talk anymore. So you were done. You found a rare time when he was just relaxing and editing to sit him down and explain why you were leaving. You knew he was in a deep focus of perfecting his video and wasn't listening ,so you packed your bags and left a note.

"I love you, but you leave me no choice. I have to leave. I would say it was me, but it wasn't and I don't mean to sound rude. You never had time for me. I still love you and that will never change but right now I need to find myself, because even though we were together, I felt so alone. I hope one day we can fix this, or that you find another girl that you find time for. I love you block boy."

And so you left. You left your first love and didn't look back.


•The fight to end all fights. A few spoken words was what broke you. He was drunk and said the wrong thing. You weren't the kind of girl who got hurt over small things or even offended when someone called you ugly or fat. But you did have one weakness. Ethan was the only one who knew, and in that moment he stepped over the line. Your brother died when you were younger while you were watching him. Everyone told you it wasn't your fault but everyday you think about how you should have just kept a watchful eye over him at all times. This wasn't the first time Ethan came home drunk, but it was the first time he used your weakness to break you. He yelled over and over how your brother would still be here if you hadn't of been a selfish bitch and watched him closer. You were only trying to help Ethan get to bed, but he wasn't having it. He ended up yelling at you then passing out on the couch. You knew he was drunk but it hurt. It hurt so much and he knew that. So you left. He made you cry, and you never cried. He probably wouldn't remember what happened in the morning but maybe, just maybe he would feel the pain of you leaving him just like the pain he swore he would never cause you.


•He cheated. JJ was the kind of guy you felt like you could be your crazy self with. Since he was crazy, it just brought a whole new crazy side out in you. But the love was real. You had boyfriends in the past years but no feelings you had for them could ever compare to the ones you had for JJ. You were that relationship everyone said they wanted. But it wasn't perfect. You saw the way he would check other women out when you would go for dinner. It just never crossed your mind that he would act upon it. But when you walked in on him with another woman in your guy's bed, you walked straight out. No tears, no emotion. Yes you were mad, but you were mostly disappointed. He hated when people or papers would tag him as the cheating/player type. But he didn't prove them wrong. You tried to be quiet as you walked down the stairs. As you walked away from your memories all you could hear was moans. You could hear all the other boy's doors opening as you walked by. Faces with pure anger and pure sorrow, but you just kept walking. You made only one stop and that was to hand Vik your key. He gave you a sad look but you shook it off. Your mother always told you, once a cheater always a cheater.


•The hate got to you. Even though you tried to ignore it, you just couldn't. It was always there. Josh would tell you it was just jealous girls, but you didn't care. You were strong but these constant tweets and website dedicated to breaking your image and self confidence ended up working. You told josh you were leaving and of course he protested. He even told you he would tweet out and tell them to stop but you thought that it would only make it worse. You packed your bags and hugged him goodbye. You needed out and that's what you were going to do. No one could judge you if they didn't know where you went. You knew it would hurt Josh just as much as it hurt you but you needed this. For yourself and for Josh. All this negativity on you was bringing josh down too. You wanted to be happy again. Not that Josh didn't make you happy because he did. He almost made it worth it. But you were just missing something. You couldn't figure out what. Maybe it was self love because you haven't had that in years.


•You thought you were bringing his career down. You know why he wasn't uploading as much? Yeah, it was all because of you. He would spend all day just cuddling with you and hanging out. He would always forget to upload or even make the videos. You saw all the hate the fans were giving him and how they didn't think he should even be in the sidemen anymore. He got so much hate that he would sit with you and cry on your shoulder. You knew you were a distraction, you just didn't know how much until now. Once you were gone he would forget and go back to uploading everyday on time. No more hate to him, and no more jokes about him uploading because he would finally be more focused. Once you figured this all out you waited till he fell asleep and left a note. You wanted him to be happy even if that meant you had to leave. You left the note on your pillow and quietly got up and left. You knew he would be sad for a little while but he would get over you. And so your note said "Hi Harry,

Well since your reading this, it means I've left already and you just woke up. I'm sorry it had to be like this but this just felt like the only way to tell you that wouldn't hurt as much. I feel like us being together is hurting your career. You don't upload because we're hanging out or doing crazy things. Your fans need you more then you need me. I want you to forget about us and follow your dream or hitting 10 million subscribers:) I love you but we just can't be, I'm no good for your YouTube career and I only drag you down. Bye. <3

Love me."

And with that you were gone.


Holy crap... I'm up at 3:30 am writing this. But I thought of it while I was about to go to sleep and just couldn't get it out of my head. I hope you enjoy it. I'm making a break up series:) I hope you enjoyed it. 

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