1. Goodbye my friend

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"How lucky I am to have something that makes goodbyes so hard?" Spencer Hashings said with tears in her cheeks. This was exactly the time that Alison Dilaurentis realized that she would miss them.
"What great scholar said that?" said Emily fields laughing and Alison felt her heart ready to fall into million pieces. Her Emily, her sweet Emily was standing right there, next to her holding her hands. She had been always thinking that she would never lose her but there she was, with her car a few meters away, ready to go, away from Rosewood and away from her.
"Winnie the Pooh." Spencer replied and she bursted into tears. Every one laughed but the tension was clear. They were sad. No; this was a wrong word. They were devestated.
"Oh come here." Aria Montgomery murmured to Spencer and grabbed her in a tight hug. Emily hugged Alison too, in a hug that was so tight and fierce that Ali though that this was probably something more than a "I'll see you soon" hug. It was a goodbye hug.
"Hey I want a hug too." Hanna Marin said and entered into the Sparia hug with tears wrinkling down her cheeks. Aria kissed Hanna in the forehead, broke free from the Spanna hug and came towards Ali and Emily.
"Goodbye, baby." Hanna whispered
"Hanna banana." Spencer said with a giggle.
"I'm gonna miss you." Aria hugged both Emily and Alison and left a sigh. "Are you sure you're gonna be fine Ali?" She asked.
"I've need fighting all my life to go out of Rosewood but now this is the only place I wonna be." Alison answered. Hanna and Spencer came to Alison and Em and embraced them tightly. And then they had a team hug, the five of them, like the old times. The five prettiest girls of Rosewood were having their last scene together and now the curtains were finally closing.
"Goodbye Ali." Hanna said and suddenly the tears disappeared from everyone's faces and the hug was over.
"Bye Ali." Aria smiled.
"Oh, come here dramma queen." Spencer said and grabbed Ali in an individual hug.
"I love you Spence." Ali finally said these words and she meant them. There was no longer bad blood between her and Spencer Hashings. This was a long time ago. Spencer was her friend. Her best friend. Ali gave a quick hug to Emily and smelled her perfume. She'd love to kiss her. A kiss that would finally be right. Damn it, nock it off. And that was it.
They all headed to their cars. Hanna had already had her luggage in her car ready for the airport and Emily would go straight home to pack her things for this night's flight. Spencer and Aria would leave early the other morning.
"Bye!" they all yelled in unison.
"Goodbye!" Alison yelled back and waved at them. She smiled. They were her best friends and they would always be. No matter what.
They entered their cars and one by one dissappeared from her field of vision. But they would be back. Soon. Alison kept daydreaming for a couple of minutes in her front door thinking of their future that seemed so bright. After a while she returned back to reality. There were first other things that needed to be handled. She turned and opened her door slowly. She walked in her house and sighed.
"Charlotte" She called. "Please come here. I need to talk to you." No answer. Where the heck was she? "Charlotte, where are you?" Ever since she found out about the A story she wasn't sure how she had to act. She wanted to help her sister. She really did. She sympathized her and all she wanted to do was to be the family she never had. Stupid, huh? This girl almost killed her and her best friends but Alison loved her anyway.
"Baby sister you clearly don't like my stage name." a voice sounded from the stairs. "Cece is my nickname for friends and family; and we are family."
"That's not the point Char... I mean Cece." She paused for a bit.
"My friends just left."
"Finally!" Cece said in excitement and her eyed beamed. "I mean Rosewood should have got rid of them a long time ago." Alison looked at her sister with angry blue eyes ready to explode. But she didn't.
"Please show some respect. We've talked about it. They forgave you and they want to leave everything behind."
"Hmm.." Cece giggled a little and then said in a severe voice:
"I really don't expect you to understand my point of you but they're toxic!"
Alison groaned. "I was toxic for them! I was the danger. But not anymore!"
"Ali, it's not your fault.."
"Charlotte Dilaurentis " Ali screamed I don't want to discuss this right now."
"I love when you call me with my full name Alison Lauren Dilaurentis. " Alison calmed down a little. It wasn't Cece's fault that she was sad. "Please go take your pill. We can watch a movie then." Cece's face beamed and she obeyed. "Absolutely sis" she said. Alison was left alone again. She looked at the clock. It was 12:30 p.m. She was already feeling alone. She went to the kitchen and grabbed her phone which was charging. She wanted to talk to him. She needed him. She called his number but he didn't reply. The voice mail appeared.
"Hey it's Jason here. I can't speak right now. Please leave a message." they were together when he created the message of his voice mail. Him, Alison and their sister, Cece who was supposed to be just his girlfriend back then. They were at the beach and they were having the time of their lives. How long ago was it? Three years? Maybe three and a half? Good times.
"Hey Jason. It's me Ali. I just wanted to check up on you. How is dad? " She paused. Jason and her dad left town after the big revelation. Mr. Dilaurentis was too surprised, too angry to be with Cece and accept her as his daughter. Jason was shocked. "Just please call me okay? I... I... I have to go." She leather phone in the kitchen table and went to the living room. She had a movie to watch with her sister.


Hey guys this is a brand new fanfiction that is going to talk about the liars' lives before the Time Jump since 6B will be five year forwards and we won't get to see what happened in their college years. Please feel free to give me feedback and ideas whenever you want :-*

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