It's been a while since I've been outside so I forgot how it looked. Literally Jacquees has had me in this house for 4 months and I have been out this house since R.J been born and it's killin me.
I got dressed to go see my mama while Quees was sleep, but when I closed the bathroom door he woke up . "Baby where you goin?" Jacquees asked. "See my mommy and it's okay to leave. There's some milk in the fridge I love you and see you later."I said kissing his lips . He pulled me back and kissed my lips again. "You stay in bed with me today."Jacquees said looking into my eyes. I smiled. "Baby I didn't that all four months of when I couldn't get out the house." I said. I got up and went to check on R.J. He's okay. I left and went to my mama's house and seen my brother and sister. They were so happy to see me , but they really wanted to see R.J. and Quees. "Um mama they at home." I said. "Go get them." My mama said. "MAAMA." I groaned. "Go get Jacquees and my grand baby."my mama said. "What's his name?" My sister Mya asked. "Rodriguez ,but he likes Jacquees his middle name better." I said." Oh okay." Mya said. I called Jacquees.
Jacquees : Hello
Me : Baby my mama said bring yo ass and her grand baby over here.
Jacquees : Ny I actually need you
Me: With what
Jacquees Baby boy
Me :I'll be there Quees
I hung up. "Mommy I gotta go."I said. "Where you goin baby ?" My mama said. I kissed her. "He don't shut the up baby." I said. "Oh okay." My mama said. "I'll be back tho." I said.