Today is the day me & Nyla are gonna get married. I walked out to the alter and waited for Nyla to come down the aisle. I couldn't wait. While I waited I talked to Issa . How you feelin cuzo?"Issa asked. "God I'm ready." I said. The music started playing and the flower girl walked down throwing out red rose petals then the groomsmen with the bridesmaid and last my baby Nyla. She was beautiful. When she stopped she looked at me with tears of joy. "Hey baby. " I said. "Hey Queesy." Nyla said. The reverend his thing and we did our vows. After we finished we put our rings on. "You may now kiss the bride." The reverend said . We kissed and there was a beautiful spark. Nyla looked at me and smiled . "I'm Mrs. Broadnax. "
Thanx u guys love u I'm working on a new book for Chris Brown "reunited love." Check for it plz love u guys
S/o Nyla♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡☆☆♢♡♡@Nylabaee