war is brutal

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When you are going to be the Superpower of an Empire was written in stone and linger in the footsteps of humanity, the road to the Golden Apple isn't easy.

War is not like the movies, because you are safe behind a screen and the color pixels aren't the same thing as smelling the rioting flesh and the inside gases of a person as you fish for a bullet.

I learn how to kill a person at a young age. I don't remember what exactly its life was like when I thought I was a human.

Time isn't the same, because before time was just that. The sun would set and you would pray and close your eyes. And the night would rule the sky for a second before paying way the stage for the glorious day to give life again to the land.

Men would march forward, singing the happy sounds of their mother's songs, to somehow mask the screams of children ripped from their mother's breast.

I learned as the massacre was happening the first ever landing was the scouting mission. To see if I could get bigger and better.

I wondered what happened to the person with the waterfall hair.

But they were pushed out of my mind as the men carried the vile acts against humanity.

I saw once a man rape a girl, vaguely she looked more like a broken doll than anything.

Men surrounding me always told tales of encouragement, that this ain't wrong. This is merely a way to preserve ourselves.

That this is justice and good and we are just.

And for a time, I think I believed it

But it wasn't until we were marching along a mountain, the rocks were short and small that it would cut our feet if you weren't careful.

A mother with a crying child was forced to march with us.

But the child. It would not stop crying.

The man in charge had a short temper, so it snatched the infant by the throat and threw it across the mountain ledge, thousands of feet down into the ground.

You could hear the screams get fainter as it went closer to the ground. And it stopped.

The mother screamed raw and powerful, and suddenly I could remember the sweat and the blood and puss coming from my feet as the mother threw herself off the ledge.

I threw up.

When night fell and lights home dark, is the first time I learned that I have invaded China

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