Ch 1 Panic attack

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Jack's P.O.V

"C'mon Jackie boy you just got here don't start falling apart now." I said to myself.

I'm at a hotel in Boston with Felix, Ken, Mark, Bob, and Wade to celebrate Pax East. We've all decided to each get our own rooms so we can have our space to get ready, but to be honest, I've never felt this alone and afraid in my life.

"No, no, no!" My heart is pounding out of my chest, my hands are shaking, my face is burning. Suddenly I found myself sitting in a corner of my hotel bedroom. I slowly lifted my legs to my chest, wrapped my arms around them, and began rocking back and forth.

Dang it! Why am I so freaked out in the first place!? Then I remembered, the faces, the cameras, the people. The more I thought about it, the more nervous I became. I let out a soft whine. I need help.

I looked down at my phone, trembling. I should call someone, but who?

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