Ch 8 I'm such a douche

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Mark's P.O.V

I've been realizing that Jack hasn't been acting like himself anymore. In fact, it's like he's angry at us or something. Keeps telling us to shut up and stop jabbering, mostly to me for some weird reason. But he's probably just getting nervous again so, it's not a big problem. To me at least.

Jack's P.O.V

What's wrong with me?! I'm such a jerk! Why am I so strict with everyone?! This isn't like me! I just want this stupid pax thing to be over.

An hour later.....

After we finished the show, we all went to go a sign papers for the audience. I however didn't. I don't want to. I'm a complete jerk to them as it is.

I went to go find somewhere where no one could see me. And I just sat there. My head covered beneath my arms and legs. Feels just like back at the hotel when I called Mark.


He probably hates me now, probably thinks I'm a complete jerk. I began to cry softly so no one could hear me. I'm a terrible person.

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