Chapter 5: Oh the Opportunities

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Do you ever have those moments, where you regret whatever you did the second after you did it? Those moments occur for me more than needed. I never think anything through anymore, hence all my acts of stupidity. Now everyone, including Greyson, was staring at me.

What do I do? I was at a comeplete loss. I should have at least walked over to talk to him, not shout and get the attention all people within ten feet. That was just all by shouting his name.

I'll figure something out.

"Greyson...." I let out again uncertainly, and then I formed a sheepish smile. " my inspiration."

He grinned back at me with a gleam in his eyes. "This is why I love my fans."

He loves his fans.

I'm his fan.

That means he loves me.

"Thank you, Leira." He waved to me and sat back down to finish his burger and fries.

No one could knock the smile off my face. I was afraid my face would split later on, because it was starting to actaully hurt, but I couldn't stop. The last time I smiled like this was in middle school, when my crush said hi to me when I was heading up the stairs. That night, I couldn't even try to frown, and the events kept replaying in my mind, just like right now.

He loves me.

He thanked me.

He said my name again.

I over analyze things too much.

A scowl from Alice snapped me out of the fangirl world and I started laughing at her. Mason tugged my arm and I sat down. 

"You seem to be unable to keep the attention away from you today, eh?" he laughed along with me.

Sometimes, I impress myself with last minute thinking. I felt smug, like getting caught using my cellphone when I was younger and making up a reasonable excuse that the teacher believed.

The thug life chose me.

"There's nothing thug life about loving a popstar."

I furrowed my eyebrows and hit Hayden's shoulder. "Did I ask you?"

"No, but I was just providing a fact."

A scream erupted back at Alice's table. It was the girl herself. She jumped up and down, all giddy, clutching her shirt.

"Thank you so much for signing my shirt!" She snuck a triumphant glance at me and smirked. Then all the girls within distance ran over without a second thought to ask for his autograph. I stayed planted in my seat with my friends.

"I can survive without an autograph," I shrugged nonchalantly.

"That doesn't make sense," Cooper stated. "What fan doesn't want an autograph from their idol? This is the perfect chance. Plus, aren't you worried Alice is going to rub it in your face?"

"It's been a long day, and it isn't even over yet. And I didn't say I didn't want one—I do—I'm just saying I can survive without one."

"You're crazy. I want to get one!" Alli got out of her seat and pushed through the herd of girls, holding her sharpie out for him to hopefully use.

The day had passed by without another inturruption, and I was finally in photography class—my favorite.

"I see familiar faces!" Mr. Morrison clapped as he walked around to observe us. "I know it's only the first day, but come on, you know you want a project."

We all laughed because it was completely true. Of course, all of us who were here, wanted to be. The people in this room have photography to bring out creativity and perspective. Taking pictures is something everyone enjoys, whether you're doing it from a two-megapixel camera or a Canon 5D Mark.

"As you all know, we have a celebrity guest roaming the campus somewhere. Greyson Chance. He, his manager, and I have talked about his upcoming tour next year, and how he needs designs and posters."

Is this where I think it's leading?

"For this project, you must design his tour theme and poster, along with an alternative CD cover. You will each get at one point one-on-one time with Greyson to do a photoshoot with him. All information will be distributed to you for the information required on the poster and such, as well as what type of theme his crew are looking for. There will be a due date, and you will all be graded. Your designs will also be seen by other students and high workers of Greyson, whom will choose the one they like best. You can almost consider it a contest, because if yours is chosen, you will get two free tickets to his tour. This contest is only available to our photography students here at California Sky."

Inside, I mentally shrieked.

Designing a Tour Poster, for my idol. This is insane. If I won, I'd get to see him on his tour! Not only that, I'd see my designs!

This was like a win-win situation for me. Photography and editing are basically my life, as well as music. I just can't help it. It's my remedy. You can express so much passion and it makes you think in a different way. The best feeling is the completion of something long and hard. You get to make something that seems beautiful to you, and maybe everyone else.

"Throughout the year Greyson will be finishing school and preparing for his tour. There will be many opportunities for everyone to show off their talent in some sort of way to help him and his crew, such as this. There is also a possiblity that they will hold auditions for his backup dancers too, but you didn't hear from me," He winked.

No. Way.

"Who knows, Greyson being here could change your future. His manager could even sign people, for all we knew."

This is insane. I really can't describe the level of shock remniscing through my brain.

These are good opportunities. I can really figure out what I want to do with my future.

Alli can maybe audition to be one of his backup dancers if that's real. She's dedicated her whole life to dancing.

As for Hayden, Cooper, and Jayce, I don't know, backup band on tour?

I'm already planning out everyone's future. 

For the rest of class, I brainstormed for what I wanted to do, and what theme/style would be good for him. His first EP Waiting Outside The Lines for when he was thirteen was more plain and classy-cute boy. Hold On Til The Night had a cool theme with lots of typography with a black and blue color scheme. He was like a more casual pianist in that one. In Truth Be Told part 1, he had almost a bad boy rebellious look. His new album is called Me vs. Reality. [a/n: I made this up! It's fake! :)]

Now what?

And suddenly, it hit me. I want this whole theme to make people think, "what?" and "huh?". I want it to be different, almost mischievious, like "What's going on?". Greyson's going to be a guy who holds a bunch of secrets and always has someone wondering about him, about what he holds inside. It's him vs. reality. His persona is going to be mysterious, and everything he keeps to himself is almost contradicting reality. Something like that, I'm still working on it.

I was really anxious and wanted to make these thoughts become a reality. It was time to grab props and plan it all out. All of this—photography—is what makes me whole and true.


I hope this chapter was okay. I think there are some errors? Sorry the updates have been slow. I've been working on another story too. Hope you stick with me :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2013 ⏰

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