Chapter 1

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"Anja!" A voice behind me hissed. Something light and rough smacked me in the back of the head.

I turned around and glared at the offender.

My best friend Ryn Miller waved cheerfully from the back of the classroom.

She was possibly the single most annoying person you would ever meet.

Her dark brown eyes watched me mischievously and her messy dark brown hair was brushed back behind her ears.

I sighed and picked up the note she'd balled up and thrown at me. In her messy handwriting it said, kill me now.

I rolled my eyes, shoving the wrinkled paper in the back pocket of my jeans before the teacher could see we were passing notes in class.

More often than not Ryn was busted for either spit balls or passing notes and sometimes bailing her out of detention wasn't worth crawling through windows in the back of the school building and having Eva Rochester wait in our getaway car in the front parking lot.

The teacher (Mrs. Shlepski) droned on and I sighed, slumping in my chair, bored out of my mind. We were in science class, which was the last period of the day, and we were going to dissect frogs, which was around the point in time people started to fake illness or a doctor's appointment.

Finally, she said, "Please put your gloves on and lift the frog out of the container".

Many people near me gagged and choked a little as they reached into the box and lifted out the dead animal.

I turned to look at my lab partner, Maya Tenshi, a nerdyish kind of girl with tame hair that was the same color as the snow outside and weird violet eyes that looked like they were staring into your soul.

"Not it", she said.

"Crap", I hissed. Reluctantly, I slipped on the gloves and reached inside the box, wrapping my hands around the limp creature.

I scrunched my nose up (and I wasn't normally a squeamish person) when I looked at it directly. I hated dead things.

There was a pull on my gut then, almost painful, and then the frog in my hands jerked and leaped right out of my grasp and landing on the floor, croaking like there was no tomorrow.

Naturally everyone started screaming, chairs went flying as people scrambled onto the counters, the teacher crying that everyone remained calm. "It's a FROG people!" Ryn shouted, although even she looked a little freaked.

Even as Maya shouted, "What the hell!?" And stood on her chair I was the only one who remained seated, mouth gaping open like an idiot. My hands were trembling.

Did I just do that?

People were still talking about it as we assembled to go to the busses.

"It was the weirdest thing!" Ryn was telling Eva as we walked home.

I stayed quiet, once in a while glancing at my hands. They still looked fine, normal almost. But that frog had been dead when I picked it up, I was sure of it.

Maya, I think, knew something was up; she saw the way I was quivering after they caught the frog.

She'd even looked at me funny as class was dismissed, opening her mouth like she was going to say something before closing it again like she decided she better not.

Eva thankfully, only had logical explanations for the undead frog. Eva had a logical explanation for everything. She was the good friend, patient and the kind of person who would come bail you out of jail at 3am. Her carefully combed silvery blond hair was tied into a ponytail at the nape of her neck and her eyes were the same color as the grass in spring.

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