Chapter Two -Miss Jealous-

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   Now its three years later and I still have a crush on the same guy. Pretty embarrassing right? But Brooke, Aliceson, and I have stayed together ever since. Today is the first day of eleventh grade and like every first day of school, im gonna be shy and nervous. When I was getting ready to sit in my own seat on the bus, Brooke pulled me next to her.

   ''Heyyyyyyyyy girl, ready for the first day of eleventh grade!?" I sighed and said,"I don't know how shy I am around boys...." She looked at me dumb-founded and giggled her stupid giggle and went back to doing her "work". I rolled my eyes and fell asleep with my hoodie on my head. "Wake up A!"

    (Brooke calls me "A" for some reason.) "Get off the bus A!", she yelled at me as she was gently slapping my cheeks with her cold hands. "Huh, what?" as I got off the bus, I almost fell down the stairs.

    I was so tired that I could hardly stand. But when Aliceson greeted me by the door, I purked right up. "H-hi Aliceson..." I said blushing. He chuckled a little and gestured Brooke and I to join him inside. With my hands in my pocket and my hoodie on my head, I slowly walked next to Aliceson and Brooke.

   I saw some kids at their lockers snickering and smoking, making out and loaning eachother money. Brooke ran to a group of girls with their phones out. "I'll meet you guys at lunch! Go to class!"She said. I rolled my eyes as Aliceson and walked pass her. She was the one that was supposed to go to class.

    As we walked down the hall, this girl was in her locker looking in a mirror while putting on lip stick. That lipstick was so red that she looked like a clown with it on. While I was giggling at her, I accidentally tripped over her book bag.I was gonna fall smack-dab on my face if it wasn't for Aliceson. He caught me???

   He didn't let me fall??? "Are you OK Alex?" he said as he was helping me up. I started to blush, "Yea, t-thanks." He smiled at me and blushed. He was still holding my hand and staring at me, and I was still holding his hand and doing the same.

   For that moment, for the first time ever.... it felt like it was just him and I. He was moving in to kiss me until-"Hey!" we both took our eyes off each other to see who said that. "Watch where your stepping creep, you almost ruined my new designer book bag!" She picked it up and whipped her hair in my face.

   "I'm sorry..." I said putting my hands over my mouth looking innocent. "You better be, or you would've been paying", she said as she turned her head to Aliceon's way, and blushed. "Hello sexy", she winked. My name's Victoria, and whats yours, Gorgeous?" He smiled and shook his head no, "Im Aliceson", he said putting his fingers through his hair.

   She smiled a smile showing all her teeth and said "Would you like to join me at lunch?" My eyes widened and I tugged on Aliceson's sleeve. He understood and said, "Sorry Victoria, im planning to sit with my friends today. Maybe another time." She gave me a mean glare, "You mean this nerd?"

    He wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "Yea, this nerd, and another one of my friends." I blushed a little knowing he stood up for me, but he called me a nerd! I was fine after cause I knew he didn't mean nothing by it. "Well fine, maybe another time." She kissed him on the cheek, whipped her hair in my face and left.

   I wanted to explode! Why would a complete stranger kiss him on the cheek!? I looked at Aliceson with my face red and my arms crossed. "What did I do?" he said. I wanted to say....Are you kidding me?! You let her kiss you on the cheek on the first day of school! But instead of saying that, I just shook my head in disappointment.

   He gave me a weird look, "Are you jealous?" My eyes widened. "Of course im not jealous, girls wanna kiss you they can kiss you. I'm not in charge of you." I lied... I wanted to slap both him and that girl Victoria. But im not violent. The bell was about to ring.

   "Well, I better get going." My locker was right where I was Victoria's (-_-). I sighed and put my books in my locker. Aliceson smiled at me and said,"See you at lunch." He winked at me and walked away.

    I blushed a little. What as that wink for, was he trying to tell me something? I just shrugged and looked around for Brooke. She was nowhere in sight. Guess she went to class, or in the bathroom on her phone.

    It was 9:58, and the bell rings at 10:00! As I rushed to class, I think I forgot to to close my locker, but I didn't go back. As I was running, I tripped over someones leg, or book bag or something. I fell right on my face and layed there like I was dead.( Just wanted to see if someone would help me up,but no one didn't....cause I was the only one in the hallway.) Aliceson wasn't there to help me up this time. I think I passed out or something, but before I was out, I heard the bell ring. This is gonna be a long school year...

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2018 ⏰

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