Introductions Part 2

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Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING! Well except for some of the OCs...
Disclaimer 2: I don't own this story
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Normal Pov

While everyone waited for the three other guilds to come, the large abandoned castle was warily silent. Lucy remained where she lay before, against a ledge while looking out into the old 'haunted' forests. She knew they're enemy lay somewhere within the large range forest, she found herself drawn there, but she would wait. Yes, she would wait.

As for the others, Gray and Natsu resumed their usual bickering which eventually led to a fight until a wall collapsed on their heads. Though no one seemed to notice or at all care about this.

Marine was away from the others and had found a rather stable room on the first floor and pulled out some paint and brushes out of nowhere and began painting a very odd but beautiful landscape. It was the ocean waves, with one large wave banking left, but there was also a bunny...eating cheesecake...surfing along this large wave. At the moment she was just finishing the sky...

As for Tatsuki, well she was hiding out in one of the fireplace? Eating apple pie like the apocalypse was coming. Mira was in the same room, laughing softly at Tatsuki's antics as she continued to dust the place.

Alice was laughing quietly to herself as she petted the white rabbit tattoo and mumbling incoherent words under her breath.

Lisanna was doing Wendy's hair while Carla watched and Happy was eating a fish next to her soberly after she rejected him, again.

And as for Kagura, Millianna, and Erza. They were the closest to the doors, in a small group talking about what's been going on since the GMG until Millianna takes a hesitant glance to the second floor before turning back to Erza and asking her something that's been on her mind ever since walking inside and seeing the Fairy team.

"Hey, Erza?" Erza turned to her curious. Millianna scratched her neck before glancing up to the second floor telling Kagura and Erza who she was meaning. "Wasn't Lucy your teammate? She seems so, different." She asked her old time friend. Erza sighed, she had been dreading this, and knew the questions had been coming.

Erza looked down suddenly upset. "We, as in the guild, had betrayed her a while back." She finally said. This surprised and shocked Millianna and Kagura.

"What do you mean, Er-chan?" Millianna asked her.

"We betrayed her, and now she's changed, that's all there is to it." Erza told them. Millianna didn't push but Kagura wasn't satisfied with her answer, but also knew Erza wouldn't be the one to answer her questions.

So without another word Kagura turned on her heel and began walking up the stairs up to the second floor.

Erza made no move to stop her, and Millianna just cast a small glance at Erza before sighing and the two continued to watch the others after that.

But unknown to all, Lucy had heard every word, and was now prepared to see who decided to visit the wolf in it's den.

Lucy's Pov

Great, I wonder who decided to visit an old memory. Everyone thinks I should change, and become who I once was. Yet they were the one's who wanted me to change, in order to get stronger. Such hypocrites.

I didn't look up when I felt a second presence in the room, I didn't care to speak as she walked a little further. I gave her a glance to show I knew she was there, and it seems she knew that too. I suppose I wouldn't be the leader if I couldn't feel another's aura so close.

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