Chapter Three

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"Hana, illeona." I'm pulled out of my dreams and I groan, not wanting to wake up. "Come on, it's dinner time. Get up." Maru persists and shakes me. "Ugh, fine. Give me a second." I pry my eyes open and see him sitting on the edge of the bed, in front of me. Sitting up, I rub my eyes and yawn. "What time is it?" I ask, untangling my hair as I run my hand through it. "Six-thirty." I shrug, I'd been asleep for two hours, that wasn't too bad. "Stay there," I get up and go into the bathroom, making sure I hadn't drooled before running a brush through my hair and going back out. "Where are the others?" I ask, following him out of the room. "They decided to leave you alone, considering how pissed off you were." "Good choice, good choice. I don't blame them for being scared.""Ahjumma's letting you use her daughter's room?" Maru asks and I nod. "Apparently I'm kind of like her daughter. Or something like that. What's for dinner?" "Yookgaejang." I smile, I loved that dish. "Try to be polite, some people at the table are going to get on your nerves, but you can't be rude to them, okay?" I nod, I knew how much tension there was just from dad describing it to me. "You see, there are six clans that all have different duties. Chief Choi is the head because he has a more important job than the other clan heads. There's a bunch of kids that are trained to be the heirs of their clan and some people are pretty touchy about everything. That's what's up with our household." Maru explains and pauses, grabbing my hand and pulling me in after him into a room. There's a large table and almost every seat is full. I sit down between Jungkook and Maru. "Are you alright Hana? I heard that the boys gave you a scare." Miss Choi asks from next to Maru. "I'm fine Miss Choi, the boys scared me but will get punished later." I smile and she smiles. "Please just call me eomeoni or eomma. It feels too formal for you to call me Miss Choi." I nod and Chief Choi calls attention to the table. "Tonight we have a guest with us. Miss Jang Hana is a classmate of the boys and will be staying with us for the night, please treat her well." I bow my head a little as the eyes of all the people at the table go to me. "Now to dinner, because I'm sure we're all hungry." A maid sets our bowls in front of each of us and fills the rest of the table with side dishes. Everyone at the table starts talking and someone across the table says "Jang Hana-ssi?" I look up and say "Yes?" He looked to be around my age, but there was a sort of feral creepy look in his eyes. "I hope your stay with us will be great." As he says the last word, I feel his foot come up my leg. I stare at him, I couldn't be rude? I couldn't be rude? I sure as hell was going to be rude to him. "Yes, I will." I grab his foot and Maru does the same thing and I look over at him. He shrugs and I grin. We both twist his foot the wrong way. "Jisoo, is there something wrong? You look like you're in pain." Miss Choi asks the guy and he quickly shakes his head, plastering a grin on his face. "I just felt a slight pinch in my foot." I snicker and turn to my food. Pulling up my hair, I dig in and by the time I'm done, the boys were only halfway done with theirs. "Dang, you eat fast." BamBam says. "Do you like this food?" I nod, chuckling.
"Have a good night Hana, I'll see you in the morning." Miss Choi smiles as we all get up from the dinner table. "Yes I will Miss-"I see her give me a look and I correct myself. "E-eomma." She smiles and nods and I follow the boys. "Who was that asshole?" I ask Maru as we walk. "That's Neo Jisoo, the heir of Clan 1. He's just some playboy that doesn't deserve to be an heir." I agree with him and we arrive in the common room. "If you get bored, come to my room, the other's want to play video games until we feel like sleeping." I nod and go to my room. As soon as I close the door, I'm on my knees as a vision appears before my eyes. Dad is on the ground, men in masks surrounded him. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but I saw one of them pull out a gun and within seconds, dad is shot. I find it hard to breath and tears blur my vision. Maybe it was just something that wasn't real. Maybe I was hallucinating. Wiping the tears away, I change into night clothes.

Setting my phone on the side table, I walk around the room, amazed at how much love Miss Choi had for her daughter that had been missing for years. Deciding to go see what the boys were up to, I go out to the common room and enter the War Reaper hall. I'm suddenly shoved against a wall and a hand covers my mouth. Jisoo is staring at me with scary eyes and I can't scream as he starts to pull up my shirt and my shorts down. He pins me to the wall and I can't move. "Hana, is that you?" Maru's voice interrupts Jisoo and the door a little down the hall opens, his head sticking out and looking both ways. "Hana?" I whimper and bite Jisoo's hand, collapsing onto the floor. In a matter of seconds, Maru's in front of me and his fist slams into Jisoo's face. "You made the wrong decision on doing that in the War Reaper's hallway pal, I don't care if you're an heir, attacking a girl can get you in big trouble with the heads. Get out of my sight." Maru snarls and the guy is out of there in seconds. He doesn't bother asking if I'm okay but helps me to my feet, leaning down and pulling my shorts back up. "Aren't you cold? Give me a second and I'll grab you a sweater." He gently takes my hand and guides me to his room. "Hey, what took you so long?" Myung Ho asks and the boys all look over at me. "What happened?" Jungkook gets to his feet and Maru transfers my shaking hands to Jungkook's arm. Jungkook looks down at me in confusion but holds onto my hands as Maru grabs a sweatshirt. "Arms." I hold my arms out and he guides my arms into the sleeves before coming to stand in front of me, zipping the sweatshirt up. "What happened?" Jungkook repeats and I'm brought over to one of the couches. "Jisoo attacked her." I curl up on the couch and both boys drop down to sit on both sides of me. "Wanna play?" BamBam holds up a game remote and I look at the TV, it was a fighting game. "Sure," I take it from him and focus on the game.
Looking around, I'm surprised that everyone had fallen asleep. Yugyeom and Myung Ho had even fallen asleep on the floor. Kicking them awake, I tell them to go to their rooms. Shaking BamBam and Jungkook awake, I send them to their rooms before coming back to Hana. I'd heard something out in the hall and thought it was her, looking out. When I'd heard her whimper and Jisoo swear, I'd been so angry that I would have beat him up if he hadn't run. Hana had been so shaken that I couldn't send her back to her room by herself. She wouldn't be able to sleep like that. It was either she slept on my bed and I slept on the couch or she slept in her bed and I slept on the floor. Shaking my head, I carefully pick her up and tuck her into my bed. Changing into shorts, I grab a blanket from my closet and sprawl out on my couch after setting my alarm.
A ringing noise cuts through my dreams and I bolt upright, remembering what had happened last night. Slamming my eyes shut, I wait a few seconds for the dizziness to subside before opening them again and look around Maru's room. He was fast asleep on the couch. I look at the clock next to the bed I was in and my eyes widen. Climbing out of his bed, I bolt out of his room and go back to my room. My clothes from yesterday were folded on the desk, so I grab them and some underwear before hurrying into the bathroom. After a quick shower, I wrap a towel around myself and am putting everything back where it was when there's a knock on the bathroom door. "Hana, are you in there?" Maru's panicked voice makes me laugh. "Yes, I'm here. Did you think I was kidnapped?" "Maybe." I roll my eyes and pull on my clothes before opening the door. Maru was sitting on the floor against the wall to the right of the door. "You're weird. Did you already take a shower?" I grab my bag and he nods. "Do I get to eat breakfast before I go, or do I have to go to a convenience store for kimbap?" I ask and he quickly gets to his feet, shouldering his bag. "Let's go eat." Closing the door to the room, I turn to the group of boys that are waiting. "If any of you, any of you jumps out at me at any time, I will punch you." I remember how much Yugyeom had scared me and what Jisoo had tried to do to me last night. They all nod and we go to the dining room. "Porridge, asa!" BamBam says excitedly and we all sit down, grabbing bowls of the food. We quickly eat and are out of the place in half an hour.  

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