Chapter two

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Chapter two

I woke up to the sunrise painting pink and orange around my room. I wasn't yet used to the time change so my sleep was a bit off.

I got up and wen't out onto the balcony and Was surprised to see a heard of dear grazing by the pool. I closed my eyes as I leaned up against the wooden railing and felt instantly relaxed.

A bird call echoed through the mountains and I looked across to the house next door, Max and Levi's house. I saw a balcony similar to mine and Max was standing in the corner, smiling at me.

I waved and smiled back, and realized he wasn't wearing a shirt. I looked down and saw that all I was wearing was a pair of black short shorts and a purple tank top.

I waved once more before turning around and going back inside. I went into the kitchen and sat at the marble bar, looking at all of the paterns inside the oddly fascinating rock.

Cindy came in with a smile,

"So what do you think of the boys?" She said.

"Oh they sure are something," I rolled my eyes and she laughed.

"Well I have to go grocery shoping so you can fix yourself some breakfast and do whatever as long as you stay in the gated com."

"Oh ok."

Well then, I guess I was home alone, and she said I could eat whatever so I started rumaging through drawrs. I found a thing of chocolate frosting and smiled, just what I wanted. I grabbed a spoon and headed into the living room to pick out a movie.

I saw I am Legened, a movie I recognized so I put it in the expensive looking dvd player. The suround sound system kicked in and I smiled, I could really get used to this.

I was halfway through the movie when there was a knock on the door. I looked down at myself, frosting in hand, and still in my pj's. What the hell,

"Come in!"

I yelled over the movie. The door opened and Max came in looking bored. I looked down at myself again and thought, aw shit.

"Hey, aw sweet I am Legend, love that movie." He smiled.

"Ehh its ok," I smiled back.

He rolled his eyes and ploped down next to me.

"So I see you have settled down nicely enough," he laughed looking at the tube of frosting in my hand.

I dug the spoon in and pulled out a spoon full and shoved it into my mouth. He reached his finger over to take some and I smacked his hand away.

"Mo!my frostng!"I managed to get out with the spoon still in my mouth.

He glared at me and raised an eyebrow,

"I'm sorry did you say you would get your guest a spoon?"

He added with a smirk. I glared at him and paused the movie as I went into the kitchen. I took the frosting with me because I didn't trust him with my food yet. I found an old baby spoon and smiled as I brought in into the living room.

I had finished the frosting on my spoon so I dipped the baby spoon in, taking out as little as possible for him. I gave him his spoon and he smiled,

"You know for a New Hampshire girl your not that bad."

I smiled with my spoon in my mouth,


He started to laugh and so did I. All of a suden I realized that it was just Max, no Levi.

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