Chapter 2[The Party]

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Liza's POV

I pulled on the bottom of the dress Ava gave me, Trying to make it longer.

''Relax'' Ava chuckled, ''You'll be one of the most heavily dressed girls there''

I rolled my eyes not doubting that. I was wearing a Tight black extremely short dress with a gold chain hooking from shoulder to shoulder. She convinced me to wear some of her hooker heels, But I'll admit they were pretty cute, They were cutout black suede pumps, My hair was in loose curls, My makeup was pink eye shadow with purple eyeliner framed by red and black, My lipstick was a bright pink shade. Ava was wearing a black cutout bra top, A very short mini denim skirt, Black platform heels that reached her knee, A black Smokey eye, Bright red lipstick and she actually looked really pretty.

30 minutes later;

Ava knocked on the door fluffing her blonde hair up, A boy our age opened the door and I had to admit he was pretty cute, He opened the door up more to let us in and I could feel his stare on me as I walked into the party.

I could feel all the eyes on me and Ava and before I knew it she was sucked away from me in the crowd. I hate this I thought weaving my way through the drunk teenagers looking for a quiet place.

The music was blaring so loud I could feel the heavy bass rattle my bones, And the smell!! God, The smell of Weed and Alchohal do NOT mix.

I was walking around looking for Ava mainly, I walked into a quiet hallway and there smashed up to the wall was Ava, With a guy she probably hadn't known more than 5 minutes and won't remember in the morning, In a steamy game of Tonsil Hockey, Ava was now being lifted and carried upstairs. I feel sick, Uh-Oh.  I ran through through the grinding bodies looking for a bathroom, I ran into the only room I saw hoping it was a bathroom, It was, I puked feeling gross.

''Here'' I jumped a foot in the air at this statement, Looking around wildly for the source my eyes settled on the boy I had seen earlier holding a bottle to me.

''It will make you feel better'' He coaxed trying to push the bottle into my hands.

''N-No I C-Can't'' I stuttered under his penetrating gaze, I stood up to leave the room but he grabbed my hand pulling me down to side next to him on the rim of the bathtub.

''My name is Andy Evans, Who are you?'' He asked politely, I scoffed.

''My names Liza Montgomery'' I mimicked his politeness, Pretending not to notice his jaw dropping. This is going to be a long night I murmured grabbing the bottle, Not even caring what was in it.

I put the bottle up to my lips and took a swig, I didn't like the feeling of it's coldness slugging down my throat, But I enjoyed the feeling and taste of it once it hit my stomach.

I was starting to feel a little tipsy after a few sips, Andy was just opening his mouth to speak when the door burst open revealing Tom one of Andy's best mates.

''Come on, We are playing Spin the Bottle'' He noticed me then and wriggled his eyes at Andy. 

Andy grabbed my hand, ''Ready if you are'' He spoke slurring a bit, I nodded eagerly before being tugged through the crowd, All eyes on me.

Andy pushed me to sit down on the couch before taking a seat beside me, I wondered where Ava was but I was to busy having fun to give her all of my attention.

I laid back onto the couch and closed my eyes, 

''Andy, Your Turn'' Some girl yelled, Giggling, I felt him stand up and walk over to the bottle, Flicking the top of the bottle, It seemed to move agonizingly slow and then it slowed, Slower, Slower and slower until the lid landed on me.

Andy scooted over to me, Grasping my hands, Placing them on his shoulders, And started to learn in, His eyes closing, Omg, He's going to kiss me, OMG, HE'S GOING TO KISS ME, Closer and closer he leaned until..... BAMMM!! His lips touched mine, I felt sparks like those ones in the movies but I shrugged it off, Idiot, He won't like you, He has Ella, You would just be another notch on his bedpost. He slowly pulled away, I instantly missed his heat and I felt cold.

Just then Ava floated downstairs heels in hand, Hair messed up and clothes disrupted.

''Let's go'' She chirped, Ooh, She's SO wasted.

I waved goodbye to all the people I had been hanging with and walked out the door into Ava's car feeling lightheaded, Airy and happy.

Andy's POV

I walked into the bathroom and sat on the edge of my bathtub, Took a swig of Vodka and put my head in my hands, Your probably wondering why Me, Andy Evans the most popular guy in school is sitting in my bathroom during one of my legendary parties, I could get any girl in this town single or taken, But I was bored of it, I want stability, Sure It's fun but none of those girls care about me, Even Ella my girlfriend, She's a major um, Slut, She just wants me for my body, She doesn't care about me, When she cheats on me I say it's okay but it hurts.

I jumped up when a girl ran to the toilet and puked her guts out, Poor girl,.

''Here'' I said offering her my beer, She jumped back her eyes landing on me, ''It will make you feel better''

''N-No I C-Can't'' She stuttered, I felt like smirking because she was blushing, But I stopped myself Now is not the time, She started to get up off her knee's to leave but I grabbed her hand and pulled her down beside me, Craving her touch and company.

''My name is Andy Evans, What's yours? I asked politely, She scoffed lightly damaging my ego a bit.

'' Liza Mongomery'' My jaw dropped, Liza Montgomery, The quiet little nerd.

She muttered something unintelligible but it was something along the lines of Night, She grabbed my beer and took a swig of it. After a few swigs she seemed a little tipsy, I was just about to tell her she looked great when the door burst open revealing Tom my best mate.

''Come on, We are playing spin the bottle'' Then he noticed Liza and wriggled his eyes at me, I grabbed Liza's hand and pulled lightly.

''Ready when you are'' She nodded eagerly making me smile, I steered her through the crowd feeling bad because every one was staring at her, Ella was glaring at me but then turned her attention to Liza and smirked.

I pushed her onto the couch in a sitting position, And sitting beside her.

''Andy, Your Turn'' Some Random girl giggled, Rolling my eyes I walked to the bottle flicking the top, Watching as it spun agonizingly slow, All the girls swooning as it slowed down and the at last it stopped, I followed the gaze of the bottle and saw that it had landed on Liza and I wasn't all that sad.

I walked over to the couch, Grabbed Liza's hands placing them on my shoulders, I slowly leaned in closing my eyes, Closing the space between us as fast as I could.

I felt those sparks like the ones in the movies when my lips brushed hers, I felt the stares but I did not care I was on Cloud 9.

Much to soon I pulled away, A loud commotion pulled all the attention from me, There was Liza's friend Ava clunking down the stairs, Motioning towards Liza,

''Let's go'' she slurred walking away Liza in tow, Liza politely waved before disappearing into the hallway.

I started walking towards my room to go to sleep, Not caring about the party, I just wanted her, I was just about to open my door when I was tackled into the closet.

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