Chapter 17- safe

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I wake up on a soft comfy bed all tucked up and warm. Where am i? I must have blacked out. All I can remember is being on a desert and hearing a noise then being picked up by a helicopter. My heart starts to race as I begin to wonder where I am. I look around desperately trying to find a way out. Where am i?

I jumped out of the bed and suddenly I felt all the blood rush to my head and it began pounding, I had to sit back down again. Once the pain had stopped I got up again and headed over to the door. I opened it cautiously and peeped my head round the corner to see if anyone was there. Thankfully the cost was clear and I headed out into the hallway. I made my way down to the end as quickly and as quietly as I could. Then I heard a door open, damn! I looked around desperately trying to find somewhere to hide but no luck. I was stuck here.

"Charlotte?" I heard a voice say.

I turned round to find it was Niall peeping his head out of the door and looking straight at me with his beautiful blue eyes. I ran at him and enveloped him in a huge hug and didn't want to let go!

"Where am i?" I ask

"We rented a apartment for a bit so we could find you and Danielle" he explained

"How did you know I was here?" I asked, slightly confused.

"When you turned your phone on we got a signal through. We were trying to track it once we knew you were missing" he told me

"I am so happy you found us, we wouldn't have lasted much longer" I said

"I know, your safe now. Your here with me and I will never let you go again. I don't want to loose you again, never. I love you and you don't know how scared I was when you went missing. I thought I was never going to see you again. I cried everyday hoping I would see you again. I even didn't eat until Liam said I would end up dying otherwise. I am so happy to have you back. I love you, more than anything in the world... More than food" Niall said.

I wiped away a tear from his cheek and smiled at him. "I love you too Niall" I said. I lent up and kissed him and I could feel the sparks fly. I felt safe to be in his arms again to be with him. I knew that this had brought us closer and I know he will always be the one for me.

After that day me and Danielle fully recovered and stayed living with the boys and even went on tour with them which was great. Me and Niall went public and so did Danielle and Harry. From that moment my life only went in One Direction. Up.


It's finally finished! Yay! I am sad but glad as it was only dragging and this was the best way to end it I suppose. I hope you all enjoyed it and I am already starting a new story called Dying. It's a little different to my normal stories but hopefully just as good or better. Please follow me so you can we one of the first to read it!

Thanks for reading! Love you all

Charlotte xx

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