An Unforgivable Deed

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Ramona's P.O.V.

He just punched me. He just punched me. Ramona thought.

Punched. He's never done that before. Ever. It's always been a slap or two. Maybe some kicks. Some shoves. Is it getting worse?

Ramona held her face as it stung, just beside her right eye. The skin was on fire, surely there would be a bruise. A black eye, even.

That means Ramona's gotta get used to sunglasses or get used to not going out for a week or two, however long it takes to heal. She usually does the latter anyways. It couldn't be too hard.

Despite her pain, however, Ramona felt Shawn tug at her shirt again, forcing her to face him. This was when he forcefully pushed her to the nightstand with a grunt and a muttered curse word. The corner of the polished wood slammed into Ramona's hip bone and Ramona grimaced.

Then Shawn threw her to the floor on the other side of the room just after, Ramona shouting out.

"Shawn, I'm sorry---"

"He is worth nothing! He writes songs---well, anyone can do that! He's not special, Ramona, so why do you love him so much?!"

"I don---"

Ramona felt a large foot impact with her abdomen. The air left her small body as she cried to the floor, clutching her stomach. He kicked her a few more times as hot tears leaked down her face like small, despairing waterfalls.

Shawn grabbed at her shirt again, forcing Ramona to her feet. She audibly sobbed, messy hair sticking to her face, as he took her forearms and pinned them roughly to the wall. If Ramona made the slightest move, her arms would undergo tremendous pain.

He put his face just in front of hers.

"You stop talking to him, do you understand?! He is to never set foot here again, or else you'll both regret it!!" Shawn snarled, placing himself against her shaking body.

Ramona, in fear for herself and especially Ryan, was going to say yes. Her thoughts whirred around with the little ideas of what Shawn would do to her if he saw Ryan around again, and then what he'd do to Ryan. He probably wouldn't hesitate to kill him---and that is why Ramona would genuinely discontinue her contact with Ryan completely.

"Yes!" Ramona cried back. And she meant it. That was for the both of them, Ryan and Ramona. That was simply for Ryan's own good. It meant his safety.

"Do you mean it?!" Shawn exclaimed. Ramona nodded, sobbing, but Shawn didn't catch it. Although, Shawn released her, and the moment he did, he backhanded her with such force Ramona had screamed.

"You're not sleeping with the prick either, are you?!" He yelled, staring at her with embers for eyes. They seemed to burn holes right through her.

"No, no!!" Ramona hollered in terror, putting a hand up as if she could stop his raging, burning fire.

"If you're lying, I'll know." He cocked his head, eyes narrowing fiercely. Ramona was about to scream another no at him, her face soaked in tears at this point, the skin on her face and arms stinging.

Suddenly, Shawn again threw his body against hers, grabbing her arms again, holding them with a grip tighter than a thousand men, it seemed.

Ramona cringed and cried with all the things he said and did. Then he hissed in her right ear, like some sort of evil snake.

"Because that's not what normal couples do. But I can tell you that they do certain things that we haven't, things that we should. After all, we've been together for years..."

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