Chapter One - A New School & A New Start

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Hello, I'm Serah Alyy Rassvet.
I was born in Russia. I don't remember much about Russia because I've been living in America for ten years. I'm 16 years old now. I finally decided to switch schools because of issues with other students. I didn't really get along with everyone much. So now I'm starting my first day at North Clinton High School as a Junior. Apparently at this school it's a very "confident" and "intelligent" school for the "best" of students, so my dad is hoping I will do my best. Well, Here goes the story of how my whole life changed.

I walk into a tall dark brown building. Everywhere I see brown and gold, I'm assuming its the school colors. For the first day I decided to wear a gray tight low cut sweater with a black lace choker necklace. White skinny jeans are tight around my long thin legs. My black felt boots go up to my shins over my jeans. My hair is down and touching my stomach. My hair is overall straight with one strand of hair that lays from my forehead to my cheek. my makeup is done with the smallest line of eyeliner on the top of my eyelids and some dark red lipstick to go with my pale skin. My hair is overall sable black except one small streak of white that I've had since I was born. My big green eyes will hopefully get someone's attention, I'm a little worried about being unnoticed.

I'm walking up a long set of steps to my first class. A lady from the office is helping me find the room. The lady seems very annoyed but if she catches me looking at her she smiles slightly. We're finally at my death bed, standing in front of a classroom door. I take a deep breath. The lady opens it up and we step inside. Surprisingly, the classroom isn't too big but everyone is staring at me. I notice how everyone looks posh and fancy. I also notice I don't see a single person I would consider "ugly". Some unattractive people, but no 1/10's. I snap back to reality and the office lady is talking to a short dark skinned lady whom I am assuming is the teacher. I inch closer to them and the teacher smiles at me. "I'm Mrs. Clarye." She says with a large smile. I smile back slightly and she moves me so I'm in front of the entire class. "This is Sarah, she's a new student here." She introduces me.

"Sey-rah." I pronounce for her with my small Russian accent. I hear a boy whistle. I roll my eyes.

"Serah," She says again. "You can take a seat at the empty desk at the back of the class." She points to the back of the room and I see a empty desk behind a boy with his head down, asleep. As I'm walking back I look at the boy, he has short white hair that looks like it's undercut, as I get closer, it is undercut. Just what I need, to get a seat behind a fuckboy. He's wearing a dark maroon sweater and black pants. I can't see his face since its down on the desk. I sit down and the teacher's waddling over to my desk with papers. She hands them to me and walks away. I swear the stack must've been as thick as my dick. Just kidding, I don't have a dick. But you get the point. It was big stack.

When Mrs. Clayre walks past the sleeping boy she smacks him on the head and he slowly lifts it, I think he's rubbing his eyes but I can't tell from behind him.

"Everyone listen up, I know some of you are wondering what we're doing today. Today we're introducing ourselves and our class to Serah Rasvet."

Some people groan.

"Actually it's Ras-Vi-et" I shout from the back of the room.

I catch the teacher roll her eyes as she's walking back to her desk. I narrow my own eyes and just sigh. The boy turns around to look at me and I finally get a chance to see his face. I stare at him, taking in all the little details. The first thing he does is lift his eyebrows. "What?" I say annoyed.

He blinks. "Nothing. I just-" He starts with a husky tone in his voice, probably since he was sleeping.

"Jasper, face forward." The teacher snaps and he listens before he finishes his sentence.

And damn was he pretty good looking. He had sharp features along with light skin but not nearly as pale as mine. Cheekbones you could cut bread with. A jawline so spectacular, naturally arched eyebrows, light freckles spread across his cheeks like stars in the sky. His white hair covered half of his eye. But it wasn't as if it appeared scene or emo. It was cute. Oh, and how his eyes made me feel queasy. Imagine a storm out in sea. Those storms that make the waves look like they could swallow ships. Imagine that, but in his eyes.

"You all are going to go to the front of the room, tell Serah your full name and one thing about you." Mrs. Clarye says. People begin talking and she speaks up again. "You will have two minutes to think. No talking." She says the last part eyeing the group who was talking.

As those minutes are passing I begin to look through all the papers she handed me. Most of them are courses the class have taken so far and some practice sheets to do for them. I begin to spin the end of my hair out of nervous habit. Everyone is going to be looking at me and telling me their name. I assume the teacher will make me do the same thing for the whole class. I watch a student, a girl stand up. Her ethnicity looks Chinese, I believe. I don't really know the difference between Chinese, Japanese and all that because I've never been around people too much. But the girl has short black hair, chopped off around her shoulders, ghostly pale skin and no makeup on.

"I'm Gabriel Maiko." She says nervously, I could barely hear her from the back of the class. "I like painting." She finishes and scurries back to her seat. I smile at her. She was cute. The next person walks up. Jock alert. He has short light brown hair with visible hair gel. This cannot get any worse.

"I'm Oscar Greene. And I think you're hot." Most of the class erupts into laughter and the teacher shoos him back to his seat. He high fives a preppy looking boy before sitting down. My face gains the smallest bit of pink on my cheeks although I think I might throw up.

"I'm Magdenna Loris." The girl has her chin lifted up. "I like shopping." The girl flips her hair with a flick of her head to the side. She stares me down and walks back to her seat with heels clicking.

I sit patiently though the rest of the introductions barely paying any attention. But as soon as the guy in front of me stands up, I'm all ears. I'd like to hear about him. He walks to the front of the class and watch as every girl stares at him like he's a celebrity. His eyes are on me as he opens his mouth to speak and shivers travel down my spine.

"I'm Jasper Lee." Is all he says and he begins walking back to his seat.

"Stop right there. You didn't finish. Tell us one thing about you." Mrs. Clayre snaps.

"No." He says and stops, glancing at me. Students raise their eyebrows and all eyes are on him. Butterflies swarm though my stomach.

Mrs. Clayre scoffs. "No?" Giggles emerge from some students.

"There's nothing I would like share." He begins to continue walking down to his seat. Right before he sits down, he looks at me again, with those stormy eyes. I gulp and look back at the students. They all begin to face forward, seemingly one by one.

"Would you mind sharing, Serah?"

I shake my head and stand up, waking to the front of the class. I can feel everyone's eyes following me. I turn towards the class and look at Jasper. I notice he's writing something down on a piece of paper and paying no attention to me. I look around at the students.

"I'm Serah Rassvet and I lived in Russia till I was six." I say to everyone and the teacher nods and I walk back down to my seat. My Russian accent is barely even noticeable since I've been in America for so long. After I sit down, the teacher tells us we can begin talking since its the last few minutes of class. When I was waking back, I glanced down at Jasper's paper. The only word I could make out was, murder.

I lean forward and whisper next to his ear. "murder?" I ask. He doesn't even flinch. he just sits still enough that I didn't even know if he heard me. But his head turns slightly to the side, looking at me out of the corner of his eye and he just blinks. "What?" He says.

"You're writing, and I saw the word murder." My face begins to heat up.

"Yes." He says. I notice its the same husky voice from earlier.

"Okay." Is all I can mutter.

He opens his mouth to say something again but the bell rings for the next class and he just closes it. He stands up, walking out of the class room with everyone else.

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