Chapter Seven - Slammed

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TRIGGER WARNING: Slight mentions of abuse

Authors note: This chapter is written in JASPER'S point of view, so don't get confused. hope you enjoy, lovelies. 🌸

I slam my phone down on the my kitchen counter. "Can't get me a new car till next Thursday." I mumble to myself as I'm walking into my room. I check myself in the mirror, my hair's wet and a white towel is tied around my waist. I pull my dresser drawer open, picking out a jean button up, and slim black dress pants. I lay them down on my dresser, taking my towel off and throwing into the hamper. I pull my shirt up my arms and begin to button it. As I'm pulling my pants on my phone vibrates on the table. I walk out of my room and pick it up.

Serah: Hey, did you get your car yet?

I growl, no I didn't fucking get my car yet. Why did she even ask? it's not like I'm going to just send pictures like some gear head. She'll see it when I get it. I decide to type back anyways.

Me: No.

I lock my phone screen and walk back into my room. I sit down, pulling socks on my feet, then a pair of black vans. I hear my phone buzz from the other room again. 

I stand up and ruffle up my hair, attempting at drying it.

Serah: kay, why can't you tell me what color you ordered?

Me: It's a secret.

I smirk to myself and shove my phone in my pants pocket. I check the time, it's almost ready for the bus to be here. They're probably going to miss me and I'll just skip school. I fucking hate riding the bus, all of the fucking middle schoolers and their loud ass head phones playing Skillet and Nickleback. I just can't take it!

Three hours later I'm walking down the hall to lunch, my stomach growls and I could throw myself down the stairs if I felt up for it. I catch a glimpse of Serah and she walks over to me. I look her up a down, she's wearing a tight black dress, with flowery tights underneath. I see her gain the smallest amount of pink on her checks when she notices me looking.

"Hey, Jassie!" She chirps.

Fuck no. "Don't call me that." I say, every positive expression in my face, disappearing. I've had too much bad thins happen to me today, I have no car, I got sneezed on on the bus, I had an argument with my teacher as to why I was late second class, just no.

"Jassie?" She says, smiling.

"Serah, I'm not in the mood." I tell her, crossing my arms. I notice we're now the only ones in the hallway.

"Aw, come on, what's wrong?" She asks, looking up at me with those huge green eyes. Damn, that girl.

"Everything." I mumble and she gives me a pouty face.

"Jasspeerrr." She sings. "What's wronnng?" She gives me another pouty face. On a normal day I would probably laugh at how energetic she is, but not today.

"I'm just not having a good day." I tell her.

"Yeah! but what happened? Why aren't you having a good day?" She asks, cocking her head to the side, ever so slightly.

"Stuff!" I raise my voice, not I'm the mood for explaining shit.

"Jassi-" She starts, but I'm done before she can finish. I grab her wrists and slam her against the locker behind her. She gasps, her mossy eyes growing huge. My facial expression goes from pissed to startled in less than a second. I can't believe I just did that to her. I let go of her wrists immediately, backing up slowly.

"I-I'm sorry, Serah I didn't mean-" I start to say but she just cuts me off, that's what I get for always cutting her off. She shoves me and runs down the hall to the staircase. I guess I should've saw that coming. I smash my fist into a locker, causing the smallest dent, and a teacher to poke her head out of her classroom. I look her in the eyes, my narrowed eyes and storm off to lunch. I'm honestly surprised she didn't stop to ask me what had happened, I'm also glad she didn't.

Serah Rasvett is so different. She's the fucking rain and I'm a damn hurricane. She's confident, attractive, easy to talk to. It's the first time in a long time that I've felt the need to be friends with someone. To be complete honest, I want her. I want her so bad but I don't want to make it obvious, I want her to want me. Why do I keep thinking about her? She's just some cute new girl that will eventually forget who I am. Maybe everyone in this damn school will forget who I am someday. All they see me as is the rich cocky white boy who hit Magdenna Loris, I wish people would forget about that! What kind of name is Magdenna anyways, who names their child that?

"Casper?" Someone whispers from behind me, my head shoots up, my mind hurtling down back to earth. I'm sitting in a bathroom, my hands on either side of the sink, crying. I look into the mirror in front of me, there's a boy stranding behind me, wide eyed, clutching a clipboard. They have a over-sized sweatshirt on and basketball shorts. Their hair is shaved at one side, the other side being longer and pastel purple. Oh my god it's Jolie. When the fuck did she get back?!

"Jolie." I say, looking at her though the mirror.

"If you're wondering I'm here to take you home. You have a special meeting today." She tells me, smiling.

"Oh, really? How did you find me in here?" I ask, testing her.

"I heard you crying. Those sobs cannot be mimicked by another, they are..." She grins. "One of a kind."

I shudder, that bitch thinks she can just come in here and, and do what? "Who am I meeting?" I ask.

"Your sister." She says, her voice professional as always. Despite her outfit, Jolie is an extremely organized and professional girl.

"What for?" I growl.

"Reasons. Now we best get going, Chris is parked outside for you and he will leave us if we don't go out their soon." She says, her tone of voice laced with evil.

Jolie Harson, that's her name. Most of the time all she wears is boys clothing and expensive ass shoes. Jolie, the girl whom my mother baby sat when she was little. Jolie Harson, the one who bullied, harassed, hit, me when I was little. I honestly didn't think she still worked for my family.

Three hours later, after a horribly quiet ride in the backseat of a limousine, I'm finally standing in front of the girl who called me here, my sister. Her hair got longer, her chocolate strands almost touching her hips. Her face looks as if she was a porcelain doll, no redness, no dry skin. He body was smaller, like she'd been working out. She flashes me a smile with our signature stormy blue eyes.

"Jasper Lee, long time no see." She smirks, extending her arm for me to shake her hand.

"EL." I murmur, ignoring her hand.

"We've got business to discuss."

Authors note: So what do you think about this chapter?¿ I liked how Jolie called him Casper, because how pale his everything is. 👻

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