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Calum Thomas Hood

"Stop it!" I shouted at him. He was tricking me, testing me. I knew it because of the devious and devilish grin on his face.


Such a simple, stupid name for such an awful and malicious person. I met Oliver when I was four years old. He was standing near the table smiling at me as if he were a friend of mine. I told my mother about him but every time she would look his way, she told me nothing was there. I didn't possibly understand how she couldn't see him. After all, he was standing directly adjacent to her - gesturing for me to pick up the knife on the counter. But of course, that was when I realized Oliver must have been imaginary.

When I was five, I was officially diagnosed with schizophrenia. That day I remember my mother crying for what seemed like an eternity. At the time, I had no understanding of what had been going on - I was beyond clueless. Something must have been wrong with me, though. I knew it because of the way my older sister, Mali-koa, would look at me.

The doctor said I couldn't be cured, that i'd never be cured. He gave me a bottle of pills that would help calm down the presence of my three imaginary friends - Oliver being one - and would also calm me down when I had my "tantrums".

Now, here I was, yelling at what others would think is just a wall. However, I could obviously see things every normal human being couldn't. And most times, it was horrifying.

Oliver whispered something to me, his lips curling into a ominous sneer afterwards.

"No!" I yelled at him, feeling my knees go weak. "I won't do it!"

He laughed wildly, the sound echoing throughout the living room and I pinched my eyes shut so that I wouldn't have to look at him any longer. He always was pressuring me into doing the worst things imaginable.

"Leave me alone!" I screamed as his eery words entered my eardrums in hushed whispers.

He wanted me to burn down the house.

Knees finally giving out on me, my body collided with the wooden flooring. I cried out in agony as my jaw thumped against the hard surface and a loud screeching sound pounded inside of my head. Why won't it stop? I can feel my insides twist in the most absolutely wrenching way, as my hands claw at my neck. I can never stop myself when i'm like this. And even though in my brain i'm scared, my body makes no effort to calm itself down.

I hear the door open and my mother's worried scream. My eyes are still pinched closed but I know it's her because of how much relief washes over me as I hear her rushed footsteps.

Hearing more shuffling, and briefly water running, hands are on my back to guide me in a sitting-up position.

"Open your mouth, Calum!" My mother tells me, her voice worry-filled and anxious to help me for the nth time.

It takes everything in me to fight against my body, but I oblige and a pill is stuffed into my mouth. Shortly, the rim of a glass cup is pressed in between my lips before water rushes onto my tongue. I instantly swallow the pill with the cold tap water, and slowly let my body calm down.

It takes a while, but my eyes open and I see my mother kneeling over me with a frown upon her face. She sighs, "Calum, you need to stop forgetting to take your pills."

"I'm sorry," I mutter, rubbing my palms together as my eyes search around the room and land on Mali, who rolls her eyes.

I sigh, wishing she didn't think so awfully of me.

"Mom," Mali-koa interjects, "i'm going back to my apartment now. Call me if you need anything."

"Alright, love you. Be safe, and tell Richard I say hello. "

My body grimaces at the mention of my sister's boyfriend that lives with her and refuses to pay any bills. He's a loser, but I shouldn't be talking.

"Okay mom. Love you, too." I watch my sister reach for the door without giving me one single glance. I know she hates me for being the way that I am, but I can't help it.

"Mali," I call, but she doesn't turn around. Instead, she quickly swings open the front door and makes her way out, completely ignoring me.

Good job, Calum. Good job for even being born.


hey guys! that was the prologue!

did u like it lol

if u didn't, just lie and pretend u did

- Kat

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