Chapter 2-Dash's Dream

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Chapter 2-Dash's Dream

Dash was confused. She was definitely in a dream because she was back with her mom, which she didn't even know she had one.

Her mom was a pail blue just like Dash was. Her mom was exactly like her except Dash's mom's hair, Dash has a flowing main and her mom's main was short and stubby.

Dash was having a flash back of her short year with her mom. She was finding out more and more about her little foal years.

Her dad was fat and a drunk. Dash remembers her dad whipping her with his studded belt. She remembers crying herself to asleep at night because of her dad's cruelty.

She finally finished her dad's flash back she went back to the short memories of her mom. Dash remembers snuggling with her every night. Not only did she remember snuggling with her mom, but she remembers waking up one morning and seeing her dad standing above her, hooves stained with blood. He had a smug grin.

Her dad told little Dash why her mom wasn't there because she was tired of Dash and didn't want to see Dash again. Dash was devastated her mom hated her.

Her life went on totally different. Dash wasn't allowed to go outside at all. She was stuck in her house. She was stuck in her room.

One day her dad was going all the way to Ponyville to get the best 100% Straight dandelion vodka. That's a whole day trip. Once her dad left she went and looked all over house. She found the downstairs she slowly went down the staircase.

She saw her mom's body stabbed a million times in the heart and brain. She cried until she heard her dad return home, meaning she was down there for a whole day.

She realized that if her dad found her down there she'll get the sharp studded belt. Without thinking she grabbed her knife and crept up the stairs.

Then, she woke up.

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