Chapter 3-The Basement

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Chapter 3-The Basement.

Dash woke up, blurry eyed. She couldn't see anything. The room she was in was pitch black. She could see what seemed to be a silhouette of Pinkie Pie, but it couldn't have been pinkie because the silhouette didn't have Pinkie's frilly hair.

"Wh-who i-is th-th-this?" Dash stuttered out to the silhouette figure.

"Well, you know me a lot," The figure said easily "we had the same foal-sitter you know, Ms. Flower."

"P-P-Pinkie?" Dash asked cautiously.

"Of course, silly filly!" Pinkie exclaimed, but not very happily.

'It seems she lost her enthusiasm' Dash thought to herself.

"Wh-Wh-What a-are y-you g-g-going t-to d-do t-t-to m-m-e?" Dash grappled to every breath.

"Well, do you know what makes my cupcakes so good?" Pinkie asked, wisely.


"You wish! Hahaha," Pinkie exclaimed and then bursted into a volcano of crazy laughter "I...never...heard... such...nonsense!" Pinkie gasped for air, her pink face turned into cherry red.

Rainbow Dash laughed awkwardly and sarcastically.

"So, what do you use in your cupcakes?" Dash asked, sweating with.

"Promise not to freak out?" Pinkie asked.

"Y-y-yeah?" Dash replied cautiously.

Pinkie turned on the lights. Dash then gasped in awe. She saw blood stains all over the wall and skeletons hung from the ceiling. She also saw some carvings that said 'Life Is A Party!'

Dash then looked at Pinkie. She was wearing what looked like a bunch of ponies' skin, sowed together. And on the dress there was wings of different colored pegasi. Around her neck wash a string of unicorns' horns, in an assortment of colors.

Dash looked horrified. She was about to scream out loud but before she could let a sound out, Pinkie put her rubbered glove hoof on Dash's mouth.

"Now now, you said you wouldn't freak out!" Pinkie stated.

Pinkie took her hoof off.

"You make your cupcakes out of PONIES?!?" Dash asked in utter horror.

"Yes. Every pony has a flavor. I wonder what your flavor is..." Pinkie trailed off into a bunch of mumbling.

Dash looked around crazily. She stopped and looked in terror.

What she saw was a vast assortment of piercing sharp knives and cleavers. Pinkie saw Dash look at her collection and smiled.

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