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**Carly's Point Of View**

I woke up with lots of energy, so i decided i was going to go for a run. i got dressed in a black t-shirt and baby blue shorts. I threw my hair into a ponytail and headed towards the door.

Jus then my dog came running up to me.

"Sammy!!!" i started petting his head "hey buddy how are you"

"woof woof"

"you wanna come for a run"

"woof" his tail started waging faster and faster.

"ok come on"

I walked into the kitchen, said good morning to my mom and grabbed Sammy's leash.

We headed up the door and towards the park running. Sammy was having so much fun. We finally got to the park and he was so excited to go and see the other dogs that he was basically dragging me.

"sammy slow down" he just went faster... stupid dog!

Then all of a sudden i tripped.. let go of Sammy's leash.. and was falling towards the floor. I closed my eyes ready for the impact of the hard ground but it never came, then all of a sudden i heard a voice

"you can open your eyes now"

I opened my eyes and was shocked by the most amazing sight ever. i was being held up by the school bad boy.... Reece Chambers. Whom i have a massive crush on.. but he doesn't even know i exist

"H-Hi" i said.. a little stunned by his strong arm around my waist

"Did you fall in front of me on purpose so i would catch you... Carly Summers" he gave me an evil smirk and then winked.

OH MY GOD!! the hottie knows my name!!!

I just stare at him in shock. when out of the corner of my eye i see something running at us at full speed. i look towards the object and see my stupid dog... nooooo go away!! when he gets to us he jumps on me and i fall to the floor hitting my head HARD.

thats when i blacked out.......

**Reece's Point Of View**

i give her a cocky smirk when all of a sudden a dog comes and jumps on her. since i am still holding her up at about a 50 degrees angle when he jumps onto her she falls and it looks like she hit her head. she blacked out.. great!

"Carly?.... Carly?... can you hear me?" nope... she's out cold... well i'm going to have to bring her home. i grab Carly's dogs tag and see her house is on the same street as mine.

i hook her dogs leash on, pick her up bridal style and start walking. When i reach her house i look up and see a huge house in front of me... WOW! i just stand there staring at it until I hear someone speak.

"well hello there, one question?" i looked to the front door and see her mom talking to me "why do you have my daughter passed out in your hands"

i smirk at her "long story, can i come in?"

"Yes you can" i walk into the house and Carly's mom guides me to her room. when we get there i place her on her bed and sit on the edge of it

i explain everything that happened leaving out the part when i said 'did you fall in front of me on purpose so i would catch you'. that was funny haha, anyways Carly's mom says thank you when her phone starts to ring.

she leaves the room and i am left with the blacked out Carly summers. damn she's hot.. wait what did i just say! snap out of it dude.

Carly's mom walks back into the room very worried.

"um Reece?" she looked worried

"yes Mrs.Summers"

"well i work in a hospital as a doctor and they just called me to come in right away.. apparently there is a major emergency.. i wont be back for a while and Carly's dad is in New York for business so..."

"Don't worry mrs. summers i can stay with her"

"Thank you so much Reece" she comes over and gives me a hug.. which kind of surprises me. then she turns and walks out the door.

I look over at summer and she flips herself so she is on her back... then her eyes open.

**Carly's point of view**

I open my eyes and realize that i am staring at the ceiling of my room... but i thought i was at the park?

I look over to the left and memories come flooding back.... there, standing in my room is Reece Chambers

"Well sleeping beauty's finally awake."

"Very funny." i reply

"So how are you feeling?" he looks concerned

"I'm ok but umm.. what are you doing here?" i look at him puzzled

"well your dog jumped on you making you fall on the floor and hit your head. you passed out and i bring you home"

"is my mom home? how did you get in? please don't tell me you picked the lock!"

he gave me a cocky half smirk "your mom was here.. she let me in and then got a call from work and had to go.. she asked me if i could take care of you so i accepted. looks like your stuck with me for a little while"

OK so basically i am freaking out. first he saved me and now he's here in my house and has to take care of me :) yayyyyyyyyy!!

he looks over at me " do you need anything?"

"umm yeah can i get a glass of water"

"sure" he then walks out of my room

In case you don't know i'm Carly Summers, i'm 16, i have a little brother named James but he's at my grandmas house for the weekend, i'm smart but not nerdy smart and i go to Brookvile public Highschool. People say i'm gorgeous but i personally don't think so. I have long brown hair that reaches about the midpoint of my back, big brown eyes, i'm fit and not too tall. Oh and in case you didn't listen before i like Reece Carter, the school bad boy.


authors note

so hi this is my first story and im pretty proud of it so far :) vote comment, and tell me how you like it. i think i am going to write another chapter tonight so ill talk to you soon :)

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