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hey guys!! so this isnt a new chapter but i just wanted to let you all know i started writing a new story and its way better then this one. its called playing the player. im really happy with how many reads i got on this one and i am sad i ended it. i feel like you guys should know the resons i ended it so here you go:

1. the title is i fell for the bad boy but Reece isnt really a bad boy so the story didnt make sence.

2. i moved the story along way to fast and had nothing else to do with it 

3. lastly i just wasnt interested in the story anymore. 

so this is officially a short story ad is completed. i hope you guys can forgive me and go read my new story! im excited to see how it turns out. i will be trying to post almost everyday and it will be a totally different story then this one and way more interesing. the description should be up soon but its going to be awesome. i hope you can forgive me for ending this one and go and read my new one.. thanks for reading <3 <3 byeeeeeeee 


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