just ask her out...

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**Carly's Point of view**

i finally get to school the next day and go streight to my locker.. when i get there i see my best friend cloe waiting for mr infront of it like i asked her too.

"hey carly" 

"hey cloe" i reply with a smile 

"so you wanted to tell me something?.. what is it"

i get my books and close my locker before i answer her

"so yesterday me and Reece watched Jakes little sister Kat and right before Reece left he kissed me on the cheek"

"really?" Cloe says... she looks so surprised 

"yeah...it was amazing"

we go our seperate ways and walk to class

**Reece's point of view**


im walking with Jake just talking about randome things untill he brings up the one thing that i have been keeping out of my mind all day....Carly Summers.... its not that i dont like her. its that i think im starting to like her more then just a friend 

"Reece? earth to reece" jake was talking to me and waving his arms in front of my face.

"yeah sorry what did you say?"

"i said what did you and Carly do yesterday when i left"

"ummmm well i kinds kissed her and left"

"YOU DID WHT?? like on the lips?"

"no"....not yet......what has gotten into me..ugh!

"i kissed her on the cheek and then left" i looked up to see Jake standing in front of me very surprised

"well do you like her"

"ummmm.... yeah kind of"

"aweeeee Reece has a crush"

then my other friend Dylan walks up to us.....perfect timing "who does reece like" he asks 

"no one" i give Jake the if-you-tell-him-ill-kill-you look and walked away...and just to my luck i walk right into carly

i help her up and decide to talk first "you just cant keep away from me can you" i wink at her 

"you were the one who walked into me Reece... im beginning to think you cant keep away from me" she winks back...damn this girl is good 

"well i gotta go to class"i change the subject fast 

"changing the subject now arent we" she smiles and keeps talking "i got to go to"

before she walks away i grab her arm and pull her back towards me

"i was wondering if you want to go to the movies tomorrow night. you can bring a friend and ill bring jake" i can tell shes speechless

then she snaps back into focas "ok pick us up at my house at 7..bye Reece"

She said yes!! this is going to be interesting

**Carly's Point Of View**

<end of the day>


i run towards my best friend and im pretty sure everyone is staring at me but im too happy to care. i finnally get to my best friend and i am out of breath 

"so.. Reece..Asked..me..out..and..said..to..bring..a..friend"i say to her while breathing really hevy. i finally regain my breath and keep taking "he asked me to go to the movies and to bring a friend and he will bring jake so do you wanna go?"

he eyes light up "hes bringing jake?...im in"

"kk their picking us up tomorrow at 7"

"ok see you tomorrow"

**Reece's Piont Of View**

We walk to Jakes house after school so i can talk to him 

"so jake i have two things to ask you" we sit on the couch 

"go ahed im all ears"

"so i kinda asked carly out today to go to the movies tomorrow and i told her to bring a friend for you..is that ok?"

"yeah man,im in.. ive never seen you like a girl this much..its nothing like you but i like it, its different"

i just smile at him "thanks"

"so what was the other thing you wanted o ask me" he says 

"well when we were watching your little sister i heard her and Carly talking about something"

"shit" he says 

,"what? what happened?"

after a few seconds of thinking he finally answers "well when we got home that night she said that she was spying on us one day and said she heard you say you liked a girl named carly..and that she told carly when she was at her house.. i didnt balieve her though.. dammit"

"its ok dont worry about it..i just wanted to know what it was"


<next day>

the school day is finally over and me and Cloe are walking to my house to go get ready. were both so excited

when we get to my house my mom is there 

"hey girls do you guys want to watch a movie downstairs later"

i go up and give my mom a hug "sorry mom we have dates..maybe another time"

"ok see you later"

me and Cloe walk upstairs to get ready.

by 6:30 we are done. cloe is wearing black jeans with a cute crop-off the shoulder top that isnt too showy but just enough. shes wearing cute black heels and her hair is streightened. she has mascara, eyeliner and lipstick on but thats pretty much it.

im wearing grey jeans with a black loose- fitted tank top that has a big heart on it. im wearing black adiddas and my hair is curled perfectly. i have the same makeup that cloe has on and it looks really good.

 once we are happy with what we look like we head downstairs with a purs each with money and stuff in it. we sit on the couch and wait. 

we are sitting on the couch for about 5 minutes when the doorbell rings 

i look at Cloe "ready?"

"ready" she answers and we head to the door


Authors note: hey guys i hope you like the new chapter. thank you so much for all the reads<3 i am glad everyone is liking the story so far. i am going to try and post as much as i can over the week cause i will be away next monday to friday. vote comment and tell me how you think. also if you have some ideas you think i should put into the book let me know and ill see if i can add it in. thanks for reading :) hope you like the chapter :) 


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