Chapter 11: Big Revelations

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Chapter 11: Big Revelations

As the members of the UN dismissed themselves, Gundula Rall approached Minna, with questions relating to the whole 'sending the 501st to help' angle.

"Yeah. By any chance, is Sakamoto the question?" Minna said, with a somewhat tired look on her face.

"...uh... only one of them." Gendula said.

"Look, Sakamoto just isn't prepared for magic-based combat right now." Minna's voice sounded somewhat depressed when saying that. "Look, I promise that the team of five I'm sending will be enough to do the job."

"I believe you." You ARE known as the Elite Witches, after all. "I'm not concerned about rather or not they will fight any Neuroi they have to fight. I'm concerned about-"

"I understand where you're going with this. Trust me, if anyone will come to understand those two, it's the five accompanying them." Minna shot Gundula her signature smile, before turning around to look for Jack Ryder.

"I hope so."

----Meanwhile, in the mess hall------

Yoshika was eating all the flavors of ramen she could manage to find on the menu, whereas Sakamoto ordered a medium steak, chicken stir fry, and 5 egg rolls. The proportions weren't unheard of for Sakamoto, but she was eating noticeably slower than usual. Yoshika was too busy experiencing Shrimp Ramen for the first time to take note, but Guesser wasn't so distracted. "Sakamoto, are you okay?"

"Mm?" She said, looking away from her plate for the first time since sitting down.

"I can't exactly say why, but you don't seem like you."

"I'm still recovering from a rather bad accident, but I'm still Mio Sakamoto, Squad Office of the 501st Division." Sakamoto found the strength to get up. "And nothing will change that!" She fist-pumped into the air.

"Mam-Mraight!" Yoshika, once more forgetting to swallow, fist-pumped as well. Yoshika than spoke, actually swallowing this time, though. "And that's why she's my officer!"

"You got a good officer, Yoshika." Guesser said. "You got a good kid, Sakamoto."

"You know my name?" Yoshika asked the surprisingly old Guesser.

"Young Lady, let me tell you something." Guesser then proved to be surprisingly optimistic. "There's not much that goes on in any division of Strike Witches that I don't know about."

"Yoshika." Sakamoto said, getting the brown-haired girls attention. "Guesser is part of the Musicians Union. Actually, he runs the whole thing." Yoshika took a moment to look at Guesser, whom she will forever secretly refer to as 'The Really Cool Old Man.' "You see, it's thanks to him that Strike Witches has a place in the UN."

""Mind if I join in?" The three looked over to find a girl who looked a lot like Lynette with longer hair.

"Mostly certainly, Wilma." Sakamoto said.

Sitting down, Wilma took note of the short girl in front of her, eating ramen while listening. "You're name is Yoshika Miyafuji, right?" Wilma's question was answered with a nod saying 'yes.' "And you're also in Sakamoto's squad, right?" This question was met with the same response as the first. "So, by any chance, are you familiar with a witch by the name of Lynette Bishop?"

This was met with a much more excited reaction of Yoshika's head gyrating up and down to the point where Wilma couldn't make out much of her facial features. Yoshika swallowed her current mouth-full of pork ramen, and looked up to address Wilma. "Yeah, she's my roommate, and more or less combat partner!"

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