Twenty Seven.

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Kelsey’s Point of View:

It had been about three hours now since Justin called the guys and they huddled together in the living room to discuss business. The air around us became tense as the seconds ticked on by causing the nerves in my stomach to multiply.

It was nerve wracking to say the least. Not knowing what they were saying or what they were doing… what they were planning.

You never knew exactly what was going to happen until it actually did… and by then, it’s already too late to fix what’s already been done.

Biting the inside of my lip, I paced the floors of Justin and I’s bedroom as Carly sat on the bed, staring up at me with wide, worried eyes. She knew just as much as I did that this was bad and that there was no going back from this once everything was set in motion.

The Snipers were a bigger problem now than they were before and it scares me to think about what’s going to happen in the next couple of days.

“Are you scared?” Carly whispered, afraid that if she spoke any louder, she’d put us at risk.

Looking up at her, taken back by her question, I placed my hands on my thighs, wiping the perspiration that formed on my palms as I nervously caught her gaze, “Scared?” I murmured, shaking my head, “I’m terrified.” I breathed out, finally managing to take a seat next to her in order to calm myself down.

Carly nodded, “Me too,” She admitted quietly, her hand grasping mine, “I’ve never seen him so angry before…” Trailing off, her eyes glistened over in tears, “I was just coming out of the grocery store when they came up to me.”

Widening my eyes, I felt my breath hitch as I realized she was going to tell me exactly what happened last night. Giving her hand a reassuring squeeze, I silently waited for her to continue.

“I didn’t know who they were but I knew by the way they confronted me and how they stood that something wasn’t right.” Bobbing her knee up and down nervously, a bad habit of hers, Carly turned to me, “They asked me how I was and at first, I assumed they wanted money or something. They were going to hassle me a bit, take my purse and leave…” Letting out a shaky breath, she shook her head, pulling her eyes from mine instead finding interest in her hands instead. “But they didn’t. They were creepily nice; they used a tone that you would if you were talking to a child or something. They cornered me against the car, played with my hair, tried to pull me into them but I pushed them off. They told me that I could push them away all they want but it wouldn’t matter because everything they want, they get... even if it’ll take some time to get it.”

“Then they left. Just like that. I was so shaken up that I nearly forgot to take the groceries…” Wiping her eyes, Carly took a deep breath, releasing it into the air, “I called John as soon as I got in the car. He told me to stay put and that he would come get me and when he did, I ran out of the car and rushed right over to him. I told him everything from the moment I got out to the second they left… his face, Kelsey…” Whimpering, Carly shook her head, willing herself to stay strong, “He looked as if he’s seen a ghost… then he got red. He got so angry; he left a dent in the car and began kicking anything he could find. He wouldn’t even come near me because he knew he was too angry to hold me or even touch me.”

“I've never, ever seen him that livid before Kelsey." Carly shook her head, swallowing hard. "This thing with the Snipers...” Pausing, she choked back a sob, “It’s bad.”

Feeling my heart plummet to the ground, I held myself together as I clung onto Carly’s hand tighter, “We’re going to be okay… they’re going to be okay. Justin and John won’t let anything happen to us…” Smiling softly, I felt my eyes pinch, “I promise.”

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