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No One's Point of View:

Kelsey fluffed her hair in the mirror, making sure it was volumized enough, her curls intact as they hung perfectly down her shoulders before twirling around, checking her outfit in the mirror. She stopped to run a clear coat across her lips, wanting them to stand out against the ruby red lipstick she had decided to smear on just moments before.

Grabbing her clutch from on top the dressed, Kelsey rolled her eyes as she heard her name being called for the fifth time that night. "I'm coming!" She called out with a huff before leaving the room and entering the main one where everyone stood around waiting. "Patience is a virtue, you know."

Looking up from the floor with his hands in the pockets of his jeans, Justin opened his mouth to say something when his eyes fell on her and immediately felt his throat run dry as Kelsey walked over to him wearing a fitted red dress that showed off enough leg to drive him crazy.

If it weren't for the crowd around them, he would have thrown her over the table and fucked her senseless right then and there.

"Hot damn," Marco whistled, chuckling as Alec punched his arm. Ignoring her, he turned to Justin, a permanent grin on his face. "You're in for it tonight, bro."

"Shut up." Justin hissed, elbowing Marco in his side as he winced, glaring over at Justin who in return turned away from him and kept his eyes trained on his fiancé. "You look gorgeous babe," He mumbled as she stood toe to toe with him.

"Thank you," She blushed slightly, nibbling on the corner of her lip. She wanted tonight to be a night neither one of them would forget.

Trying hard to contain his self-composure, Justin wrapped his arm around Kelsey's waist, pulling her close to him. Brushing his lips across her ear, Justin squeezed her hip. "All mine." He growled lowly causing goosebumps to rise.

Blinking up at him innocently, a whisper of a smirk crossed her lips as she leaned into him, "Mmm, maybe." She said before grabbing his hand and holding it behind her, giving the girls her attention before he could say anything else. "You guys look amazing."

"Thanks babe," Alec smiled big, "So do you."

"I always look bloody amazing," Kadra flipped her hair behind her shoulder, winking playfully as she linked her arm through Marcus'.

Steph laughed as she shook her head at her friend before politely thanking Kelsey. She had been awfully quiet these last few days and Kelsey had yet to figure out why. Usually Stephanie was the loud one, always having a story to tell them but lately, she's kept to herself, staying alongside Bruce whenever she could.

"Justin better keep guard," Carly said, "Because I'm almost positive all the guys there will be drooling over you."

"They can drool all they want," Justin shrugged carelessly but everyone could see the hardness behind his eyes, knowing he'd kill anyone who even tried to touch her. "Because they can't have her."

Justin's Point of View:

The music was blaring through the speakers instantly deafening us all as we made our way inside the club, sticking close to one another, careful not to get lost within the sea of people that crowded the area.

I dug my fingers into Kelsey's side upon noticing all the heads that turned and stared. A part of me felt smug at the way they all thought they had a chance with my girl but then the other part of me wanted to rip them apart limb from limb for even looking at her the way they were-like she was a piece of meat.

Upon reaching the bar, I let Kelsey go knowing she was safe next to me before turning to John. "You ready to order?" I smirked. John wasn't much of a drinker but when he got enough in his system he wasn't as uptight as he usually was.

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