Meg Hayes before Michael (intro part 1)

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My name Meg Hayes, I'd lived in San Francisco practically my hole life, Im an adopted child, long brought from Australia. My family is conformed by my two parents Fiona and Kurt Hayes, a marriage that had experienced miscarriage more than once, until they finally gave up and contacted a adoption agency to found them a child from a a far away land, so they wouldn't have to struggle with the biological parents, so they brought me here, I was brought here even before the age of one so I don't have any memories of those biological parents, when I was finally brought to Kurt and Fiona and as soon as they hold me they immediately took me home with them and well here Im studying on the "San Francisco art institute".

As you can see I don't call Kurt or Fiona, mom or dad or neither of those usual things, they believe we're equals, we are one those families that old fashion grandpa's will call "hippies" but we are happy and we are living, and that's what matters.

Kurt has a vinyl record store downtown, I know what you're thinking you cant live from old records, well we can. Fiona gives private guitar lessons to kids around town. And I well I study and after school, I work with Kurt at the vinyl record store, witch he had called "smells like vinyl (record store)" of curse named after the very popular Nirvana song "smells like teen spirit".

We live in a nice house 30 minutes from downtown, and 45 from school, every morning I drive to school in my black "Impala" (67) while Kurt drives his "Harley Davidson" downtown and Fiona drives "VW Beetle" around town getting to her appointments around it and latter on I drive to the record store to help Kurt.


In school everyone has labels and this isn't just here at San Francisco, its all around the world, here lets see, Im label as the "asshole", but who cares when you get nerds to do you're history homework, right, because of this I don't have many friends, but whatever who needs people who soon of late are gonna leave, there is only an other person that talks to me in school besides the principal and that is Dylan Johnson the "bad boy" but nothing to deep as I said they are gonna leave after all.

I visit the principals office, 3 days a week, for different reasons. But Kurt thinks its all overdone for me being punish by being expelled, for being who Im, so I just expend my nights at detention after working at the record store, for being myself so yeah thats how San Francisco rolls.

People all around the suburbs see me with those estrange looks on their faces because of how we live and because how I manage my life socially and mentally, they think we are freaks just because we are different, the suburbs people aren't as open mind as people downtown and that just gets though my veins and it just keeps burning up and down my body until one day I'll blow up and all around me, I can handle people talking shit about me but about the persons who had take care of me my hole life and had raised me, maybe on a different way but that does not means its the wrong way I mean whats wrong about adopting a child and raise it you're own way.

There are lots of thing i'll to do with my life to prove this old fashion asses that Kurt and Fiona have done a good job racing me, but I have never been other place than San Fransisco, I mean the record store and the guitar lessons leave enough money to leave but no to go on vacations, but thats okay with me Im still doing great things to probe they are wrong.

So this is how my life is going up to now, I have plans, but no resources, I know its not quit normal but its good... Im living in the now.

long brought from Australia (5sos fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now