I . Birth

476 23 11

as far as i am concerned i am a pointless lifeform.

built to hurt others.. to lack humane emotions.




I am a blank page to humanity, something that should have not been created. I am to be instructed to harm a species so close yet so far. 

My name is ...


I was invented by Master Toue, and today I predicted my final awakening. I was booted up many times before this moment.. But this feels different, if that makes any sense..?

Immediately when I awoke, I was swarmed with verbal spat and confused gurgles. The figures tapped their fingers viciously on bright little platforms, inputting data. But the first color I saw was so beautiful, stained across every monitor in the bleakly lit room.


I almost thought I could view and lavish myself in the beautiful colors, but my body remained cold and still. My limbs and joints refusing to move, from the strands of my hair to the tip of my pale toes. The eyes of the figures were intense and frightening, their vicious scowls burrowing into me. That beautiful color that I saw, in a language I could not read just yet. Read those words that damned me to the disposal unit.


and from then on, my artificial life that was created out of greed and power.

Was changed into a pulsing sensation, that warmed me inside.

The feeling of longing and compassion.

For a man who was damned to the same fate as I.

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