Chapter 2:Life-Long Secrets Reveiled.

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I stormed through the door and straight to the kitchen as soon as I got out the car.I can't believe her!

I slamed open the back door and walked straight to the shed to collect my fencing sword.I walked over to the tree house(the trunk of the tree already had some serious gashes on it.)

I screamed as I slashed the trunk with the sword and started muttering angerly"Why didn't she tel me?!?! Why didn't Marshall just come out with it?!?!?! Why didn't mum or dad tell me before all this happened?!?!"

"Maybe she was trying to spare your feelings.Ever thourght of that?" A voice said from behind me.As I spun round meet meet the owner of the voice my sword came in contact with mysterious persons own fencing sword ready in defence stance.We glared at each other then started fencing with each other. While we were fencing I heard somebody in-take they're breath and I made the mistake of turning my head to the side and felt a searing pain all the way through my left cheek.

"I know you and Tanner love to fence but this is taking the complete and utter piss!"Exclaimed a now frustated Milly. "What's Auntie going to think, huh?!?!"Yes 'Auntie' cause we're as close as twins.

I screamed in frustration"Why do you always have to win?!?!?!?!?!?!"

"Because you always get distracted, lil' sis.Now who's this?"My opponant asked pointing to Alex while him Toneia, Milly and Alexa inspected the gash on my face.

I turned to him to ask a really important question"Who's your parents?"He looked down with pain and sadness clearly visible in his eyes.For a minute I thought he wasn't gonna answer but then he said "Maria-Jayne and Tomas-Douggie Rider."I swear I saw Tanner's head shoot up with a look of disbelief on his face.

"A-D?!?!"He whispered.Alex's head shot right up with the same look on his face as Tanner.

"H-h-how do y-Tanz?!?!"He said surprised by the fact Tanner was here.Ok so I'm like getting really impatient now!

"How the hell do you to know each other?!?!"I yelled.Tanner just looked at me as if I was a crazy lady with 50 cats.

"Can't you tell??Use that brain of yours if you have one!!Your both Sixteen and have the exact same parents!!"Just then clogs started turning in my brain, in what seems months, and I started to realise what Tanner was trying to say.I started to back away from everyone."No, no, no you've got it wrong surely we can't be-" I was cut of by the most annoying voice in the universe just as I happen to back into someone.

"It's true you're twins."Uncle Paul said from right behind me.I spun around and uncle Paul had to jump back or I probably would have chop his legs of with my fencing sword.By now I was seething with anger, betrailal and pain from an aching heart from the memorises with mum, dad and Tanner.

"Why didn't you tell me?!?! What was you trying to acomplish by not telling me?!?!"I screamed at the top of my lungs.Uncle Paul was just about to answer when I saw a movement from then side of the house(It's probably just old widowed Mrs.Tulip)and drowned out all sound and set off to see who or what was there...


I know it's short and shit but like I said there's drama boiling up.

And I need you to comment on weather she should meet a vampire or werewolf first please!!!

Love, Love, Love Always L x

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