Chapter One

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For those of you who wonder what kind of music I listen to while writing the chapters of my books, with this series, I like to listen to instrumental music that seems to fit my mood for it. So, above you will find the video of the music that I was listening to for this chapter. I might suggest playing it while you read, with headphones for a better experience, and enjoy the story as it unfolds. It certainly helps mold the story as I am shaping it!

But, it can be enjoyed without the music. And a little note, I contemplated not uploading this chapter today. I wrote it twice! Twice people! And somehow it kept deleting. This was the third and final attempt. And, thank god, it didn't delete. Shows how much I love you all.

But anyway, with my anger and aggravation put aside, I hope you enjoy my loves!!!

And his name is pronounced [Muh-keti-ss]


         The mountains of Eenack were in the closing distance as Maketis and I walked forwards. Home, we were almost home. A smile grew on my face as I looked at the floating mountains that held the tribes of my people. In the distance, the sound of the rushing waterfalls were mixed with the slight sound of rustling leaves. At the top of the Mother mountain, I could see the tree that was home to many of us, with our huts in each branch and limb. A smile grew on my face as the distance started to close. The valley of vines came into view as we grew close to the cliff that went off to the sea. It was the glass sea that connected all the lands, flowing around the large body of earth that held all seven Kingdoms and the heart of the Underworld, Namaria.

         Maketis and I had been summoned by his Majesty Alaric, a personal request from his top guard Tannakut, who had brought in new recruits for the start of the new year. With a heavy heart, I had followed my childhood mentor and partner to the far off land of Namaria. With a seven days journey on foot, we had grown close, getting to know the other on a personal level that I had never realized that I had craved before. And with the choosing of mates at the end of the week, I was starting to wonder if he had chosen his mate? Looking at him from the corner of my vision, I watched as his grey eyes darted around as we came close to the thick, green vines. A single vine could hold seven Male warriors, never giving way under the weight. He stood tall, a foot above my height, with chiseled features and pointed ears. His black hair was braided, draping down his back until it touched the earth below his feet, showing his strength and courage. Turning to look at me, his patterned scars shown in the late afternoon light, showing more of his strength.

         "It is good to be home," he said before wrapping his arm around the vine, his legs wrapped in black leather trousers helping him pull himself up. I smiled, nodding in agreement as I gave one last look around us. The afternoon was bright, the light blue sky filled with puffy clouds that were scattered miles and miles apart. The two bright suns seemed to blend into one as it looked down on the earth, granting light to all the kingdoms except the Kingdom of Eternal night, where the glass sea held the secrets of the seventh Kingdom.

        With mountains in the distance, blocking Namaria from the view on the ground, and trees that were scattered around, a few streams flowing to the sea or at the end of the cliffs, the world we lived in was breath taking. But, it still never compared to the beautiful of the floating mountains.

       Wrapping my arm around a thick vine, I pulled myself up, following after Maketis, allowing me to quickly leave the ground and go into the air. I watched in wonder as we climbed, see the breeze move the mountains with unseen dragon's wings move like a leaf of a branch, or a small tree bending in the breeze. With the light breeze, I watched as the far off mountains seemed to come closer, reaching out to the mother mountain, the one that I had called home for so many years.

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