Chapter 29 - Alone Time

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"And then when she tried to kiss me I just backed up bro ! JUST BACKED UP!" I continue my conversation with King "and I wanted that ya know"

"Damn bro you growin up" he laughs

"I guess so" I sigh "I'm gettin a lil better"

I walk down to the kitchen and get me a cookie

"Just don't be spending to much time with this Kayla chick tho cause all that's toooooo wrong" he says "but anyways I gotta go .. I'll talk to you later J .. We def have to get another squad meeting in effect"

"No doubt" I laugh "we gotta do some shit. Iight bro hit my line later"

Today I'm spending a little time with myself I just want to be done with all the drama and bullshit ya kno.

I sit down & watch the boondocks cause bro that's my favorite show

"That's some gay ass shit" Riley says & I bus out laughing omg lil nigga toooooo funny

*Door bell rings*

"Who is it?" I yell

"Kaylaaaaa" she sings

Omg bro I jus hung out with shawty yesterday fuh she doin at the boy crib!

I open the door & she looks gooodddd asf. She got on some booty shorts, a crop top, flip flops & a polo white cap on with her shades.

"Damn here shorty with the smile" I laugh

She smiles then laughs "I know you was missin the smile"

"You already knewwww" I say

I close the door & lead her to my couch

"So what you been doing all day?" She puts her stuff down on my table

"Chillin watchin the boondocks just thinking ya know" I lay back

"Oh so you been chillin all day ignoring bitches phone calls" she says

"Well I was on the phone with my boy King and I left it upstairs. Not intentional Kay"

"Well okay"

I turn back on the boondocks

"You like this show?" I ask her

"I mean .. It's okay" she laughs

"OKAY?" I sit up "know you know you lyin"

"Whatever" she says "lemme come over there and lay with you"

I think for a moment ... I know it's not a good idea

"If you want to" I smile

She comes over & hugs up against me

"You know I do" she looks up at me

*2 hours later*

I look at my TV damn we fell asleep

"Kayla .. Wake up" I look down at her

She smiles and laughs "Damn we been sleeping"

Her smile just makes my heart melt on some rns like damn. She gets up and then I get up.

"Guess I'll go now" she says

"Yeah" I look at her "I'll hit you up later"

"Okay boo" she hugs me and goes

As I get the door for her Amaya strolls up to my door. I watch Kay get in the car and Amaya closes the door behind her

"Who was that?" She asks me looking at me sideways

"Oh just Kayla" I side smile and look at the ground

"So you haven't been with Diamond in a couple days .. This is who you've been hanging out with?"

"I mean yeah .. Yesterday but she invited herself over today to check on me"

"Does D know?" She asks

"Well no .. She's just a friend" I sit back down aggravated

"A friend that diamond doesn't know about" she puts air quotes up

"Stop that" I say "she doesn't know all my friends"

"Even I know ALL your friends man"

"No you don't !!" I say

"Marco, Zaliya, King, Domo, Hope, Jay, Anthony,Siah, Raine & Others names I can't remember"

"Damn okay okay" I say "you have a point but I'll tell her when I see her"

"Don't have me be the one to tell her" she says

"Whatever Maya" I say "Now I wanna get back to my boondocks marathon so please bye bye"

"Bye rude ass" she says laughing

I sit up and continue watching my show when my door rings again


I open the door and Val is there fuck shit

"Yes?" I ask

"Hey Jenner" she smiles her smile

"Nothing may I ask what you doing here"

"I just wanted to see you" she says

"You seen my ass last week !"

"Okay .. I kno" she looks

"Then why are you here?"

" I was wondering if we could Netflix and chill" she looks down

Aww hell fuckin no .. Nothing good comes outta Netflix n chill. That's how we got on the floor last time fym? Hell no !

"Nah I'm sorry maybe another time" I push her out the door

I sit back down & think like damn. What's going on with my life bro

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