Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Riley's Point of View

Song for this chapter: Give Me Something by Jarryd James

"Alright, let's do this." I said to Bea, tugging Wes behind me and ahead to the bouncer of the club.

He smiled at Bea, he always had a thing for her, and opened the rope to let Wes, Bea, Bea's Boyfriend (who's name I learned to be Keith) and I into the club.

"I'm going to get us a few drinks!" Keith called over the music, Bea following after him.

Wes tugged me to the dance floor as a rock song began to play. He and I rocked our heads back and forth to the strong beat.

A few minutes later Bea and Keith returned with a waiters plate of shots. There had to be at least 8 on there.

"Bottoms up!" Bea cheered, throwing the little glass of liquor back.

"Right on!" Keith shouted, throwing back two.

I laughed, grabbing a glass and swallowing it down.

I lost count of the amount of shots Keith and Wes drank but I came to the conclusion that it was a lot when they were singing lyrics to songs they didn't even know together.

Bea and I climbed up on the bar as a song with a nice rhythm came on.

I swung my hips to the beat, closing my eyes and lifting my arms above my head.

"What song is this?!" I called to Bea, giggling after as I saw she stumbled a bit.

"I think it's called Give Me Something by Jarryd James!"

The song ended and my heels got caught behind the other and I squealed as I fell off the bar.

Expecting the hard impact of the floor, I was surprised to feel strong arms around me.

I giggled and opened my eyes, expecting to see Wes. But Wes was over on the dance floor with his arm slung around Keith's shoulder and singing along loudly to a song he obviously didn't know the words to.

I looked to the person's face and recognized the guy who sat with me at the café. What was his name again...Oliver?

"Heyyy, youuu." I slurred, still not remembering his name.

He shook his head, carrying me bridal style out of the exciting environment of the club.

"Uh oh." I mumbled as we exited the club, a feeling of nausea overcoming me.

Next thing I knew the four shots I took in were coming back up my throat and onto the floor near his expensive looking shoes.

"Oh no." He groaned as I continued to puke up the contents of my stomach.

He placed me down on the floor in a sitting position with my back against the concrete wall of the club and plopped down next to me, holding my hair back.

When it finally stopped, I reached my hand up to wipe my mouth but café guy pulled my hand away and wiped the corner of my mouth with a napkin he pulled from his pocket.

I felt like a toddler who had just made a mess of herself.

"Sorry." I mumbled, completely and totally humiliated.

He chuckled, "It's not a problem, really."

I groaned, pressing a hand to my head as a splitting headache began.

"Seriously are you okay though?" His eyes filled with worry.

I nodded, trying to push myself up but ended stumbling around and almost smashing my head against the wall of the building I had been leaning against.

"Woah there, don't push yourself to hard." He grabbed my hips and gently pulled me back into a sitting position beside him.

My head immediately fell into his shoulder and my eyes dropped closed.



"We should get you home."

"No no," I yawned, "please, my brother would ground me for life if he saw me like this."

"Alright then." He stood and for a moment I though he was going to just leave me there.

That was until I felt one arm under my knees and one behind my back, my body being lifted into the air.

He was carrying me, to where, I had no idea. Not that I really cared anyways. Wherever it was, it had to be better than sleeping on the sidewalk.

"You're quite kind, what was your name again?" I asked, my head falling against his chest.

He laughed, "Oscar."

"Hmm. Oscar. What a lovely name." I slurred out before falling asleep to the steadiness of his heartbeat pressed against my ear.



long time no see guys!! sorry this update took so long I was just really stuck for ideas. so I've decided to add back the songs to the chapter but they probably won't be in every chapter, just a heads up. anyways, I have to read almost 900 pages for school in two days and instead of reading I decided that you guys have been waiting long enough for this update so here it is!! see guys, I told you I love you!! i hope you guys enjoyed this update, hopefully the next one will be up soon!!

love always,

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2015 ⏰

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