Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Felix's Point of View

I came here to see her. I came here to tell her. I came here to have her in my arms once again.

I couldn't bear anymore time without her. The time I spent without her was filled with things that helped me forget her for a short time, alcohol, cigarettes, other females.

I couldn't do it anymore, the memory of her would never disappear for long.

Love has the power to build you up, but it also has the power to tear you to shreds. At the moment it was only the second one.

And I had made it my personal goal to make her mine once more.

Riley's Point of View

I closed my eyes as a breeze rippled through me and the hammock I was perched on rocked slightly. My playlist changed the song to "Dirty Old Town by Craig Cardiff" as I leaned my head back on the pillow.

"Ri! Come in! The water is amazing!" Bea called from the ocean, twirling around and giggling as her boyfriend of the hour picked her up from behind and put her on his shoulders. She always had a new boyfriend, her relationships never lasted.

"That's okay! I'm good here!" I called back to her, closing my eyes under my sunglasses.

I suddenly felt a drop of water above me. "Go have fun with your boyfriend, Bea." I sighed.

I was suddenly thrown over a wet shoulder.

"Woah!" I opened my eyes to see the ground feet from my body.

I heard the familiar chuckle of Wes as he continued to carry me to the water.

"Wes!" I screamed, pounding his back.

He just laughed in response.

"Put me down!" I cried.

Next thing I knew, I was in the water with my clothes clinging to my body with Wes, Bea and the boy Bea was with (I never bothered to learn his name) in hysterics.

I pushed myself up from the ground and stood to push Wes back. My plan backfired when he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me down with him into the shallow water that reached my kneecaps when standing.

I couldn't keep myself from laughing as I sat up and splashed him. He then proceeded to stand up and pull me up with him. He picked me up bridal-style and twirled me around which made me squeal and laugh.

Unknown's Point of View

"Oh come on they totally wouldn't have won that game if they hadn't-" My sentence was cut short as I looked to my left and saw a group of teenagers in the water.

She was there. And she was with a boy.

It hurt to watch but I couldn't bring myself to look away. I watched as she fell on him, her chest against his as she laughed instead of shoving him away. I watched as he hooked his arm under her knees and cradled her small, delicate body in his arms that looked as if he could break her.

Even from a good thirty feet away I could see the love he had for her, the emotion completely evident in his eyes. It made me sick.

I looked away just as her lips collided with his ever so gently. Just like they used to with mine.

"Gross Riley!" I heard a girl call and heard her melodic laughter.

"You okay?" Omar asked. I didn't answer.

"Felix, what's wrong?" No response.

He shook my shoulders, "Felix!"

That seemed to snap me out of whatever daze I was in. "Let's just go." I snapped involuntarily. He just sighed and nodded, used to my random outbursts by now. They'd happened ever since I woke up that eventful morning from a certain detailed dream.

Riley's Point of View

I decided on going to the local café, seeing that I hadn't eaten anything since breakfast and it was already mid-afternoon.

I said my goodbyes to Bea, Bea's boyfriend and Wes before walking along the beach to the boardwalk.

Reaching the café, I ordered a tea that I had always ordered ever since I discovered this place and a cinnamon bun.

I sat down at a table with a booth. The firefly lights around the shop provided a calm and comfortable environment. Little did I know that was about to change drastically.

I thought nothing of the bell over the door as I scanned over the paragraphs of my book to pick up where I left off.

That was until I felt a presence beside me.

Putting my book down slowly, I turned to my left to see someone who looked so familiar to me standing next to me with a smile on his face.

"Hello," he said, the accent to his voice thick, "I'm Oscar." He stuck his hand out for me to shake.

The realization slapped me in the face. Even though he looked different than he did in that dream, his puffy hair short and shaved on the sides, I still recognized those eyes.

I tried to play it off as though I had never met him because in reality, I hadn't.

"Riley." I shook his outstretched hand with an uneasy smile.

"You new in town?" I asked him, desperate to break the awkward silence as he just stared at me.

He visibly snapped out of a trance, "Yeah. Some friends and I are staying here for a while?"

"Oh like a vacation?"

"Something like that."

"Would you like to sit down?" I asked him.

He smiled, "I'd love to."

He slid into the booth across from mine and a waitress came took take his order as they sometimes did when someone didn't approach the counter to order.

He quickly decided on a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie with a vanilla milkshake and it was brought out after only two minutes or so.

"So, Riley, tell me about your time here." He sipped his milkshake as he looked at me.

"Well I moved down here three years ago when I was 15 with my older brother. I finished high school here, graduated a few weeks ago actually, and live in a one story house on the surface of the beach. I love to surf and I work at a small bakery on the boardwalk." I answered.

"Going anywhere for college?" He asked.

"I've decided on going to the community college in the area for two years then switching to online school as I travel to Europe. I've saved money from all my birthdays, Christmas' and paychecks to afford it. I really love Europe, I'd like to move there one day."

"Where would you like to move?" He asked me.

"I haven't really decided. I really like the idea of living in Amsterdam. I also take a great interest in Sweden for some reason, I'm not exactly sure why."

His eyes widened from excitement, "I'm from Sweden!"

"What a small world." I said, chuckling softly.

My phone began to buzz in my back pocket as I received a text from Jamie asking where I was.

"I better go, brother calls." I quickly gathered my belongings as I stood up.

"Very nice to meet you, Oscar." I smiled, pushing open the swinging glass door of the small café.

"The pleasure is all mine, Riley."

Oscar's Point of View

I watched as she left before turning back to look at the empty place in the booth which she had filled her fascinating presence with moments before.

I saw a small brown notebook on the seat. Taking a closer look at it, I recognized the burns on the side of the cover caused by an accident involving a stove and a careless bump of the hip.

I took the little book in my hands, feeling the soothing cool leather beneath my palms.

Leaving a tip on the table, I quickly exited the restaurant with her journal tucked away under my arm. This will give me my answers, this will tell me why she did it.

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