Its Done

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Jamie's POV

*pulls up to devantes house gets all her stuff then goes back to her old apartment .* unlocks door then sits on bed and cries all day

Devantes POV

We had another concert today and I wasn't even feeling it cause Jamie wasn't there she's my everything and I let her slip out of my hands

Ryan - *knocks on Devantes door*
Sits on bunk beside Devante then looks at him * you really fucked up what the hell were you thinking you ass hole *slaps Devante then walks out door *

Meanwhile in N.Y.

Phone rings

Jamie- what

Devante- baby I'm so sorry

Jamie- *hangs up* then eats pizza

Devante- yo JoJo what am I gonna do

JoJo - keep begging her and calling her

Devante- *calls Jamie again no answer* puts hands in face

Aww 😢 please vote and comment

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