19. The look

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"BREAKFAST!" a yell comes from the hallway. Making us both jump in the bed.

"Jesus" Dani says, with her sleepy voice. Her voice sounds always husky after she have woken. It is super cute.

"No, it is just my aunt" I tell her and open my eyes. I rub them. Dani walks out of bed, leaving me alone. I watch as she dress herself. Black tight jeans and a white tank top.

"No" I tell her.

"No, what?" she ask.

"You can't wear that," I tell her strict.

"Why?" she ask, confused.

"I do not think I can behave, when you look like that," I tell her, flirtatious.

"Then I guess, you have to work hard" she says raising her eyebrows fast.

"Oh god, why do I love you?" I ask looking now at the roof.

"Because you do not have a choice" she tells me and walks over to kiss me on the lips, she lets go.

"No, don't go. I need more," I tell and she chuckles.

"If you tell your parents, you can kiss me as much as you want," she says, making me grumpy.

"I don't love you anymore," I say, looking fake, angry at her. She looks down at me; I can tell she wants more to.

"I give you one more, if you promise me that it would never happen," she says.

"How could I ever stop loving you?" I ask. She smiles and lean down for one  kiss.

"So Dani. Is there anyone special in your life?" my mom ask this time. Under breakfast. My aunt looks exciting at Dani. My dad look up from his plate to watch.

"Well" she starts and thinks for some seconds, and I can feel my hands shaking, sweating.

"To be honest I have only loved one person," she says, her eyes lost somewhere else, distance. The words made my heart beat normal again.

"And I still love that person, with my whole heart. I would do anything for that smile and laugh" she smiles, so dose my mom and aunt. My dad looks more fascinated.

"For me love has been everything. Without that, I am nothing. It is the only thing I know. The only thing I can show. I would follow my heart, my love where ever it goes, and nothing can stop me. No matter what book I read, that person will be the line that sticks out to me, that voice that makes my body shiver, every time I hear it. The only one that can get my full attention"

She stop and looks at me, blank.

"You have a romantic soul, Dani," My dad says, taking us all with surprise.

"Thank you, Eric," she answer, still looking at me. Making me swallow hard.

"You know, love is not easy to hid," he says and we all look at him, expect Dani, her eyes glued on me. Dad looks at her while he talks.

"You can see it in someone's eyes, the way they act, smile, and laugh. It is all there. No matter how much you try to hide it" he says and smile to Dani. She looks at the table now, thoughtful.

"Dad, I did not know you knew love," Damon says and they all laugh, expect dad, Dani and me.

"Is there something we are missing?" Bake ask, curious. Mom looks worried. Damon and Dexter just sit there quietly.

"The only thing I am asking from you, Dani" dad starts and I swallow hard, afraid what would come.

"Is that you make her happy," he says looking at her soft.

"When she stops smiling, I will leave," she promise him. He smiles to her.

"It's the best promise I have ever got" he says and walks away from the table. Leaving the rest to thoughts. Then Dani takes my hand under the table and squeeze it. Damon and Dexter leaves the table as well. Mom and aunt look at each other, questioning what just happened. I can see in my peripheral vision that Dani is smiling to herself. Then I turn to look at her.

"How did?" I ask her. She smiles.

"You have that look in your eyes," she answer. Mom and Bake looks at us.

"What's going on?" Mom ask. I do not turn to look at her. I look at Dani, because she has that look in her eyes. Where the only thing my heart can do is to fall and the only thing to get it up again is to kiss her, touch her.

"Don't look at me like that," I tell her, soft. She looks down at my lips and up again, slow.

"Look at you like what?" her voice so weak, it sounds like she is whispering.

"The way you did five years ago. That way that makes my knees weaken, my mind go blind, my heart beat faster than normal" I swallow, my mouth got dry.

"You're the one and only one. I fall more and more in love with you, from day to day" I can see that my mom and aunt's eyes widen and their mouth open.

"I know I am not good to tell you, what I feel for you. But I swear to you, that what I feel for you is what you feel for me" I smile and pause. Dani lean in closer and I can see my reflection in her eyes, her green beautiful eyes.

"I love you, Dani. I have loved you for five years now, and I am going to love you much longer than that," I tell her heartily. Tears creep up in her eyes, she close them, and the tears run down her face. I lean in to kiss them away.

"I do not know why, but I can't keep my eyes of you, and you turn my head upside down. You make me insane, in the most beautiful way" I shake my head of how easy it all came out.

"That is the most beautiful thing I have ever heard" My aunt says, sobbing. I had totally forgotten that they are still sitting there. I do not care, what is sitting next to me is all I want. Dani dries away rest of the tears on her cheek.

"Valentine?" she ask.

"Yes?" I answer.

"Can I kiss you now?" we both laugh. I can hear my mom and aunt still sobbing.

"How many times do I have to tell you, that you don't have to ask for that?"

"Until the day I die" she answer.

I guess my dad is not as heartless as we thought he was. It was a joke between my brothers and I. My family seemed very accepting. My dad did not talk about it after he left the table. Mom and bake did not stop crying, well happy tears, I think. Now I cannot stop smiling. Dani lay on my lap in the two-seated couch. She is a little, messed up after her crying. I keep on stroking her cheek. After a while, she actually fall asleep. I shake my head of disbelieve. She looks like an angel where she is lying on me. I cannot stop looking at her, touching her.

"What time is it?" I ask my dad. He looks at his watch.

"It's three" he says and looks at me with his glasses on. I glance back down at my angel. Still stroking her face.

"I knew right away" I hear him say.

"You did?" I ask, not watching him. I look at her and only her.

"You have the same look in your eyes, like your mother had. When we two first met," he says, laughing to himself.

"And it is not hard to see that she loves you, she cannot keep her eyes of you, every time you move she watch you" he says. His words makes me feel warm, that someone else can see our love. I look up to him.

"Thank you" I tell him and he nods. Dani moves around and lay with her face towards my stomach. She grab my shirt and hold it tight with her left hand. Her eyes are closed, away from this world and into her dreams. I push her hair away from her face. Now my eyes are hard to keep up, and I yawn. I cannot keep them open, so I close them. My breathing slows down, and I lean my head back on the couch. I can't seem to stop yawing. So tired, and then I am drifting away. 

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