Chapter 2

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Chinatsu's POV

I stood outside the door of my parents mansion. You can do this. I told myself. I looked myself over. I wore a simple white dress that exposes a little cleavage and a pink jacket. Right as I was about to knock, my mom opened the door.

"Chinatsu!" She enveloped me into a hug.

"You people are weird." I mumbled.

"Come on." She said ignoring my comment and literally dragged me to the lounge room.

"Woah! Mom, slow down. Your heels are kitten. Mine's 4 inches." I said and she slowed down.

"You shouldn't be complaining about heels. You're 20. Look at me. The only walk I can walk in those are baby steps." She said and continued pulling me.

"Let the poor girl walk by herself." My father said with a scowl on his face. He looked at me and smiled.

"Dad!" I ran to him and tackled him in a hug. 

"Good to see you too Chinatsu." He said patting my head.  The sound of little feet coming made me even more happy. I let go of my Dad.

"Oreo!" I picked up the little black and white Pomeranian. "Hey girl. How's my favorite puppy? Did you miss mommy?" I cooed in a baby voice. She started licking my face. I giggled. "I'll take that as a yes." Oreo's my puppy. Well, she isn't a pupy anymore but she's still my baby. I would've taken her with me to my apartment but, Rebecca's allergic to dogs. Fuqqing bitch!

"She must miss you. We haven't seen you in a month." My mom stated a matter a factly. 

"Yeah, yeah. I know." I rolled my eyes. "Hey, whens food time? I. Am. Hungry." I said walking into the dining room. Three persons were in there. I didn't recognize the first two but the third guy made me think that I was dreaming. There is no way in hell, that Lucas Takuso was in my parents dining room! This dude is every girl's dream! Not to mention he loooooves the ladies. He's a major playboy. Women to him are like socks. That doesn't make me not have crush on him. It's a mental, complicated, love-hate relationship. He's my celeb crush.

"You must be Chinatsu." Said the middle aged woman. I looked at my parents puzzled. I gave them a 'who is she?' Look.

"Chinatsu, I think you're familiar with Anna. Anna Takuso." My mom said clasping her hands.

"Anna......" I gasped. "Anna Takuso!" I said as realization hit me. "As in The Anna Takuso?" I asked in disbeleif and she nodded. This woman is a famous designer and I buy ALL of my clothes from her. And when I say famous, I mean Victoria Secret famous! "Omg! Nice to meet you." I smiled brightly and offered my hand, but instead, she hugged me. Weird people. I can't believe The Anna Takuso is standing right infront of me.

Ugh! I'm so stupid! I should've known it was her! Lucas Takuso standing next to his female version with blonde hair a.k.a his mom a.k.a Anna Takuso, famous fashion designer! Baka!

Blonde moment 1.

"That dress looks lovely on you!" She said, taking a few steps back to look at me.

"Well thanks." I said taking a little twirl. 'I did buy it in one of your stores. Of course you would love it!'

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