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Don't waste a good idea orallow it die inside you. One idea can bring you to the top, make your day orspark off chains of success chain reactions. Transformation involvestransformers and the process of metamorphosis. what you RECEIVE (Information,consultation, interaction, grace, expenditure) i.e. the INPUT acts on what youHAVE (potentials) to give you what you don't have i.e. attainment i.e. output.AROUND-------WITH (INSIDE) -------WITHOUT (OUTSIDE)

Processor----------------Deposit------------------ProductTransforming your potentials involve (a)REALIZING YOUR POTENTIALS You think youare a weakling. All around you say so. It is not what the world say about youbut what the WORD (of God) says about you – the light, the salt, an over comer,a new man, well able and more than conqueror. You need to understand yourpotentials if you will transform it. You have to look inward (self-examination/orientation – Heart thrust), then look upward (God'sorientation/examination – Heaven thrust), and finally look outward (Peopleorientation/examination – Vision thrust). LOOKING INWARD (SELFEXAMINATION/INWARD THRUST ORIENTATION) Keep thy heart with all diligence; forout of it are the issues of life (Prov. 4:23) -Search out yourself. Think;reflect on your activities, ideas and potentials. -Realize and identify yourshortcomings, weaknesses, limitations and your strengths, dreams, zeal or zest.-Re-evaluate yourself so that you can realign and readjust. -Dream dreams – beconscious of the fact that God created you for a purpose and decide to positionyourself for the right change and metamorphosis. -Understand that yourpotentials will be have to processed into end products and will need others.Your potentials are like raw diamond or gold buried and hidden in the deep,rough soil. Except it is harnessed it remains useless and worthless. -See yourpotentials as problems that need to be solved. Problems are real and alive likean organism. You can SEE PROBLEM, HEAR PROBLEM, FEEL PROBLEM, TASTE PROBLEM andSMELL PROBLEM. SEEING PROBLEM: What you see only creates VISION. See problemfrom the eye of faith and not from the eye of fate or failure. See problem as afaith–builder and not a fear–builder. You must see problem as a hurdle tocross, an obstacle to dismantle, a mountain to mount on unto success, a sea tosail you through to the glory land. See problem as normal and not abnormal.FEELING PROBLEM: Feelings make you CONSCIOUS of what you touch or feel. Theheat or cold you feel only makes your body to ADJUST accordingly. Feel thetexture, nature, size, shape and orientation of your potential for betterunderstanding. TASTING PROBLEM: Tasting brings out the hidden realities orinvisible but recognizable qualities – sweetness or bitterness, brittle orsucculent, sour or sharp taste. Solving problems associated with yourpotentials brings out the taste or PROSPECTS.

Looking inward, discover what your potentials are by theseguides. -DECIPHER (decode): Your potentials are guided by some codes – set ofrules and principles. They respond to certain laws or attributes. Find outthese CODES that your nature conform to and with for they may be pointers towhat your potentials are or what God called you to do or what career tallieswith your destiny in life. -DISCERN: See with more effort and form an OPINIONabout your abilities – at each time, each situation, each environment, eachposition, each place/location or each circumstance – DECIDE: Now decide whatyou think these potentials are. You must make a decision inside you. Decisionis the first step in a developmental process – the starter to every catabolicand anabolic process. – DETERMINATION: This is an element of decision. Resolve,make up your mind firmly what it is you possess. Looking inwards is you versusyourself, the naked solution, the raw solution, the origin and source of thematter. Start from the heart if you must hatch out. The blood, the life of manstarts circulation, of life from the heart of man. Power generation anddistribution starts from the heart and heat of the power engine house.Telecommunications network works because of a central behind-the-scene box. Godwill use the Simplicity in man to establish the complexity of God, the weaknessin man (not weakness of man) to project the strength in God, the nothingness inman to show the somethingness in God, the inferiority in man to prove thesuperiority of God. The "in man" ingredient must align with the pattern of Godand the "in God ingredient is the plan of God for man. Whenever man allows Godspattern, pursuit, procedure, policy or practice to be activated or reactivated"in him" it will manifest the master plan, will, structure, promise, purpose ofGod "in him" Deal with the "in you" and you will experience the "in God". You willdiscover and rediscover the God in you, the power, the enormous deposit, thewealth, the successes, the potential differences. Dig for silver. Dig for Gold.Dig for raw diamond. They are never at the surface. They are inside, deepinside of you. Let go so that you can let out. Let out so that you can reap in.Reap in so that you can reach out. Reach out so that you can reap forever.LOOKING UPWARD: (God orientation - heaven thrust) "But my God shall supply allyour needs ... Phil. 4:19" Here is yourself and God your creator. You mustrealize that you need spiritual and physical help and enablement. The creationneeds the creator. The creator gives insight, impulse, instincts, ideas, innerwitness and checks and balance. You potentials need all these to break out ofthe shell and see the light. Submission to God is paramount if you must makeheadway. Realizing your weakness and shortcomings demands you to submit to Godfor success. You need the word of God for it has a multiplier effect in theprocess of developing your potential. The word is creative for it can createlight when in gray areas. It breaks like a hammer when faced with a hard nut.It is even destructive for it can destroy obstacles on your way to harnessingyour potential. You need asking God to draw from the source of your totalsupply. You need the Spirit of God for inspirational knowledge. Surely, youneed God's dependability (applying "Godability" in your inability), God'saccessibility (God is accessible), God's humanity (God's Fatherly care) andGod's abundance and riches to prosecute and harness your potentials.

LOOKING OUTWARD (Yourself versus your Environment – visionthrust) Lift your eyes and look on the fields ... John 4:35 The real solutioncomes here. You can make sense out of non-sense. Create wealth out of disaster.You use the riches of poverty to provoke the poverty of riches. During theNigerian Civil War, problems decided or created their solutions. When theheavily equipped Nigerian warship set on sail to kill and destroy, the handicappedBiafran scientist thought out the "shore or shock-battery" that could dividethe sea and sink the Nigerian warships when launched. Again to deal with thegreater-in-number troops of Nigerian army they locally created what they calledOgbunigwe (i.e. killing en mass or mass killer) or Ojukwu bucket as branded bythe opposing forces for its lethal might. Look out for the way out of anysituation. For every man made built-in failure there is a God madecorresponding grace to the rescue. Security from extraneous forces and hazardsbeyond the scope of our realm that will impinge on your potentials developmentlies with God Managing God's Resources: Your potential need management. Inrealizing your potentials you must manage people and their talents, people andtheir ideas, people and their environment and people and their weaknesses.Doing: Your potentials need activities. Start doing something about somethingabout someone, about somewhere and opportunities. Do something and getsomething. Do nothing and get nothing. Activity is the beginning of creativity.Doing is the beginning of being. Being is the beginning of achieving. Achievingis the essence of living and living is the spices of life. Your potentialinvolves CHOICE MAKING. Choice of method to implore. Choice of optionsavailable to you. Choice of consultants or friends. Choice of what you want tobe, choice of altitude you want to attain. Choice of attitudes to adopt toattain this altitude. Choice, choice and choose rightly, wisely and timely too.It is all about choice management.

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